Job and Internship Fair 2024 - home page SWPS University Job and Internship Fair 2024 Warsaw and Wrocław, Poland, April 17–19, 2024

"Promyk Słońca" Foundation (Fundacja "Promyk Słońca")

For over 30 years, the "Promyk Słońca" Foundation has been dedicated to supporting children with various disabilities, disorders, and developmental challenges. At the ‘Promyk Słońca’ Diagnostics and Therapy Center, more than 100 doctors and therapists provide comprehensive medical and therapeutic care to nearly 300 children each day. In addition, we operate a specialist training center that brings together the medical and therapeutic community from all over Poland and abroad. We offer psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to children, adolescents, and families. We conduct both short and long-term therapies. We create a developmental space intended for specialists, both those who are entering the labor market and those with previous experience.

Main areas (industries) in which we operate:

  • healthcare industry
  • therapy
  • NGOs
  • education and training

Three reasons to join us:

  • developmental work with children, adolescents, and their families in an interdisciplinary team
  • attractive working conditions with flexible employment options.
  • access to diagnostic tools, therapeutic materials, and participation in supervisions.

Core principles that guide our work:

  • loyalty
  • respect
  • collaboration
  • empathy
  • development

Qualities we seek in potential team members

We are looking for psychologists, psychotherapists and speech therapists who have:

  • the ability to create individual and group therapy plans
  • the ability to establish relationships with children, adolescents, and their families
  • extensive interpersonal skills for cooperation with parents and other specialists
  • motivation to pursue professional development

What we offer during the Fair:

  • distribution of information and promotional materials (flyers, brochures) about ongoing recruitment
  • showcasing of specialized books and publications, which will be available for purchase.
  • opportunities for conversations with foundation representatives about working in a non-governmental organization and available professional development paths

Contact information:

Visit our website

Follow us on Facebook

Where can you meet us


Explore the Company Stands in Wrocław

Ground floor 13:00 - 19:00, 19-04-2024

Take part in the event and increase your chances of getting a job, internship or apprenticeship.

Many exhibitors