Job and Internship Fair 2024 - home page SWPS University Job and Internship Fair 2024 Warsaw and Wrocław, Poland, April 17–19, 2024
Mia Mente

Mia Mente

Mia Mente is a medical facility catering to children, adolescents, and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as individuals requiring developmental assistance. Our team of professionals offers personalized diagnostic tests and therapy in a supportive environment tailored to individual needs and goals.

Main areas (industries) in which we operate:

  • medicine
  • psychology

Three reasons to join us:

  • Comfortable environment: We work in well-equipped, functional, and aesthetically pleasing offices, providing a comfortable setting for our team.
  • Professional development: We prioritize the professional and personal growth of our team members through training opportunities, regular supervisions, and collaboration within a team that utilizes modern, scientifically proven methods.
  • Flexible working hours: We offer flexible working hours to accommodate the availability of our employees, with access to a visit calendar at all times.

Core principles that guide our work:

We are committed to providing development-oriented work opportunities within an interdisciplinary team.

Qualities we seek in potential employees

We are looking for psychologists who specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy approaches for children, adolescents, and adults, as well as those interested in supporting the development of children aged 0 to 6 years.

What we offer during the Fair:

Engage in conversations with our recruiters, explore development opportunities, receive promotional materials, and participate in brief job interviews.

How to get in touch

Visit our website

Where can you meet us


Explore the Company Stands in Wrocław

Ground floor 13:00 - 19:00, 19-04-2024

Take part in the event and increase your chances of getting a job, internship or apprenticeship.

Many exhibitors