Tania Lincoln
Universität Hamburg
Tania Lincoln studied Psychology in Marburg, Germany. She completed her Ph.D. in 2003 at the Philipps-Universität Marburg and her training as a clinical psychologist in 2004. From 2003 to 2005 she worked in a forensic mental health setting where she became increasingly interested in psychological therapy for psychosis. From 2005 to 2011, she was the principal investigator in a randomized controlled trial on CBT for psychosis at the Philipps-Universität Marburg where she held a post-doc position. Since 2011 she has held the position of professor for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Universität Hamburg in the Faculty of Psychology and Movement Science, for which she was the Dean from 2018-2020. She is the director of the university outpatient mental health department (Hochschulambulanz) and the scientific director of the therapist training program (Psychotherapieausbildung Hamburg). Her research focuses on understanding the psychological mechanisms of psychotic symptoms and on improving interventions for psychosis. The results of her work are reflected in numerous books and more than 200 peer reviewed publications.
Invited symposium
New developments for psychological treatment as seen from EACLIPT's journal ‘Clinical Psychology in Europe’
S201 (Prof. Tomaszewski's Lecture Hall) 11:00 - 12:30Chairs: Winfried Rief, University of Marburg and Cornelia Weise, University of Marburg
Winfried Rief, Cornelia Weise, Maria Karekla, Tania Lincoln, Omer Van den Bergh