Call for Papers (closed)
We hereby invite researchers and practitioners at every level of professional development in the field of clinical psychology and psychological treatment to actively participate in the EACLIPT 2022 conference: Clinical Psychology Now!
Please share your recent research and your contribution to the development of evidence-based practice. It's time for your activity! This is an opportunity to show your research results, your projects and solutions that can and should improve the mental health of your patients and have an impact on greater availability of psychological treatment for groups and individuals in need.
The call for papers is open for three types of sessions: oral paper presentations, rapid presentations, and poster presentations. We invite submissions of original, unpublished research in the field of clinical psychology spanning from prevention, diagnostics, mechanisms, and treatments, to methods, classification, evidence-based recommendations, and means to increase availability of psychological help.
For all sessions a 300 word abstract is required. The suggested structure is: Background, Methods, Results (if applicable), and Conclusions. The abstract title is limited to 200 characters including spaces.
- Oral paper presentations: 15-minute oral presentations, including time for questions and discussion. To submit a paper presentation click here
- Rapid presentations: 5-minute oral presentations, including time for questions and discussion. We suggest that presentations in this format should not exceed 5 slides. To submit a rapid presentation click here
- Poster presentations: Poster presentations: Poster presentations can report on either completed studies or on research in progress or developing ideas. Guidelines for posters: posters should be in portrait format and need to fit the stand of the size 180x120cm (posters can be smaller). We encourage you to keep the message concise and visually stimulating. Consider using a QR code on your poster to link it to either a digital version of the poster, a study protocol, pre-print, or your website. To submit a poster click here
Please note:
Symposia are not part of this Call for Papers. Yet, if a group of researchers wishes to be allocated into one of the sessions, based on the similarity of presented topics, please submit your request to the Organizing Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. However, please note that the final decision on the allocation of presentations is at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.
We hereby invite early career researchers (Ph.D., Master's students, and postdocs) to participate in a workshop that consists of two sessions. During the first one, “New technologies in clinical psychology”, participants will present the use of new technologies in their clinical research and practice, whereas the afternoon session, “Projects showcase”, will be focused on presenting participants’ research projects and obtaining feedback. To join the workshop, you need to actively participate in at least one of the sessions.
2.1 Morning session “New technologies in clinical psychology”
We invite early career researchers using new technologies (e.g. VR, XR, wearables, eye-tracking) in their research to present the practical aspects of running studies with this kind of methodology/measurements. During 30 minutes you will present and demonstrate practical aspects, advantages, and challenges of using given technology in the field of clinical psychology. The presentation will be followed by a 15 minutes discussion/practical demonstration. You are encouraged to bring the equipment with you (or contact us to check whether we can provide similar equipment on site) and to use your own research as an example on how to use it. In order to participate please submit an abstract (300 words with the title up to 200 characters) briefly explaining what type of technology you would like to present and what is the research context of using this kind of technology in clinical psychology research and/or practice. The suggested structure is: Description of chosen method/new technology, Application in clinical psychology field (research and/or practice), Example of use in own research, Advantages and challenges.
In order to participate in the morning session, please submit your abstract
2.2 Afternoon session: “Projects showcase”
The goal of the afternoon session is to present your research and obtain feedback both from your peers and a senior researcher who will facilitate the session. In order to participate please submit an abstract (300 words with the title up to 200 characters) that uses a structured format: Background (including research questions/hypotheses), Methods, Results (if relevant), Conclusions and Expected Feedback (i.e., what kind of feedback you are hoping to receive during the workshop). There will be 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion & feedback.
In order to participate in the morning session, please submit your abstract