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Professor Edward Nęcka is Professor Emeritus at the Jagiellonian University, a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Rector of Tischner European University in Kraków.

He specializes in cognitive psychology, in particular in cognitive control. He researchers individual differences in the context of cognitive processes, human intelligence, creativity and exceptional talents. He is also interested in different problem solving techniques and creative thinking.

Professor Nęcka honed his professional skills during numerous research internships and fellowships at Yale University, and while serving as Principal Investigator in many research projects financed by grants from research funding bodies.

He authored and co-authored numerous articles, chapters and books on creativity, intelligence and self-control. Some of his recent publications include: E. Nęcka, “Trening poznawczy” (Cognitive training), Sopot 2018; E. Nęcka, J. Orzechowski, A. Słabosz, B. Szymura, “Trening twórczości” (Creativity Training), Sopot 2019; E. Nęcka, A. Gruszka, A. Hampshire, J. Sarzyńska-Wawer, A-E. Anicai, J. Orzechowski, M. Nowak, N. Wójcik, S. Sandrone, E. Soreq, “The effects of working memory training on brain activity”, published in Brain Sciences, 11(2), 2021.

For his contributions to psychology, he received many awards and tokens of recognition, such as the Władysław Witwicki award from the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) for his book “Pobudzenie intelektu: Zarys formalnej teorii inteligencji” (Stimulation of Intellect: An Overview of the Formal Theory of Intelligence), and the award of the Minister of Natonal Education for his monograph “Inteligencja i procesy poznawcze” (Intelligence and Cognitive Processes), and for his post-doctoral thesis (habilitacja) “Proces twórczy i jego ograniczenia” (The Creative Process and Its Limitations).

He was a thesis advisor for over 30 doctorates and a reviewer in numerous processes to grant a post-doctoral degree (habilitacja) and full professor titles.


Thematic areas:

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Intelligence
  • Creativity and exceptional talents

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