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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Academic Staff

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

What's next after graduation?

SWPS University
Alumni Benefits

Are you a graduate of SWPS University? If you already have your university diploma, it does not mean that you have to say “goodbye” to your alma mater. When you graduate, you remain a part of our community, regardless of where your life or career take you. SWPS University graduates are our pride and joy, therefore we offer an alumni benefit program that is intended to accompany you throughout your academic and professional life.

As one of our alumni, you can continue your education, obtain professional certifications, and participate in our conferences, workshops and webinars. By joining SWPS University alumni community, you have an opportunity to stay in touch with your fellow students, network with graduates who now work in various areas of the economy, in many different countries. Finally, you can also contribute your knowledge and expertise to projects or programs benefitting younger generations of students.

Join our alumni community

Access resources
of SWPS University library

Books and academic journals

Our alumni have access to SWPS University Library, its vast collection of books, academic journals, and online resources, such as EBSCO and Ibuk Libra. A retainer of PLN 300 is required. You can borrow maximum 3 books per 28 days.

Learn more  

Continue your education

Our alumni can continue their education and professional development by enrolling in one of our numerous postgraduate programs, which are offered onsite in our six campuses, online, or in a hybrid mode. SWPS University alumni are exempt form the PLN 300 application fee whether they are applying to a graduate or a postgraduate program of study.

Review our postgradaute programs in English

Review our postgradaute programs in Polish  

Students listen to lecture in lecture hall Concept photo: leanrning, laptop, digital images

Build your professional network

Join SWPS University alumni hub on Facebook. The page is administered by our Office of Career Services. You can also join, or establish, an Alumni Club at your Faculty. Our first Alumni Club has been established at the Faculty of Law in Warsaw.

Follow us on Facebook  

Visit the page of the Faculty of Law Alumni Club  

Student holds books covered with graduation cap

Find a job
or an internship

Free assistance provided by our Office of Career Services

As a graduate, you have free access to a broad range of services:

  • Professional, one-to-one, consultations are particularly useful if you are unsure about the direction of your career path, want a career change, need help with creating your profile on professional platforms, such as LinkedIn, require support with writing your CV or filling in job application documents, want to prepare for a job interview. To book your consultation, log in to your student account on the Virtual University platform.
  • Professional workshops, meetings with employers, and job fairs. To stay current with these events, follow your local Office of Career Services on Facebook (Warsaw, Katowice, Poznań, Sopot, and Wrocław).
Candidates' CVs Profesisonal woman stretches her hand in a greeting
  • Access to job and internship offers published on USWPS Virtual University platform. Additionally, some selected offers are published on the Alumni Facebook page, so make sure you join your fellow colleagues there.
  • Contribute to SWPS University community – if you wish to share your professional development story with current USWPS students, please get in touch with the Office of Career Services! We would love you to be a guest at one of our meetings, where we present various career paths and success stories to current students. To give back to your community, you could also becoming a mentor for younger students, through our Mentoring Program. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As an employer:

Handshake across a table


The Pro Akademika Foundation

We are a foundation established by SWPS University, in 2010. Our mission is to support the development of an open society, which is prepared for change and adept at tackling challenges. We apply research-based solutions to address current social issues. We also champion talented pupils and students who are aware of their own capabilities and have the courage to reach new heights. Some of our initiatives include scholarship programs addressed to young, ambitious individuals, in particular students of SWPS University, who aspire to make the world a better place.

Hands crossed in gesture all-for-one Heart in the palms of two hands

We would not be able to carry out our projects without the help of our benefactors. They are the wind beneath our wings that helps us foster the development of science, culture, and art. Thanks to their donations, we can support talented youth and accomplished scientists. We can inspire them, open doors, and provide them with a space conducive to the pursuit of valuable initiatives and innovative research.

We would like to encourage SWPS University alumni to join our numerous benefactors, and support new generations of SWPS University students. We greatly appreciate any donations made to the Pro Akademica Foundation’s bank account: PL 82 1090 1476 0000 0001 1638 8728 (in the transfer description, please enter “darowizna na cele statutowe”). Even the smallest donation has the power to transform lives, whether by helping someone to pursue their education or contributing to groundbreaking research.

For more information on how to support the Foundation visit:  

Meet some of the Pro Akademika scholarship recipients and read their success stories:  

University graduate raises hands in a triumph gesture

Do you have a collaboration idea? Contact us!

If you have an idea for an initiative that we could develop and implement together, do not hesitate to contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

SWPS University campus in Warsaw