We would not be able to carry out our projects without the help of our benefactors. They are the wind beneath our wings that helps us foster the development of science, culture, and art. Thanks to their donations, we can support talented youth and accomplished scientists. We can inspire them, open doors, and provide them with a space conducive to the pursuit of valuable initiatives and innovative research.
We would like to encourage SWPS University alumni to join our numerous benefactors, and support new generations of SWPS University students. We greatly appreciate any donations made to the Pro Akademica Foundation’s bank account: PL 82 1090 1476 0000 0001 1638 8728 (in the transfer description, please enter “darowizna na cele statutowe”). Even the smallest donation has the power to transform lives, whether by helping someone to pursue their education or contributing to groundbreaking research.
For more information on how to support the Foundation visit:
Meet some of the Pro Akademika scholarship recipients and read their success stories: