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Magdalena Kękuś






Magdalena Kękuś is a psychologist and sexologist. She researches memory distortions in forensic-legal contexts. She is also a clinical sexologist and researches intrusive sexual thoughts.

Apart from teaching at SWPS University in Kraków, she is also a researcher at the Jagiellonian University’s Applied Memory Research Laboratory, where she is the Principal Investigator in a research project “Mechanisms, determinants and methods of reducing the memory conformity effect”, financed by the National Science Centre (PRELUDIUM 20 funding scheme). Moreover, she collaborates with research centers in Japan and Great Britain. Additionally, she is a research fellow at the Aichi University, Nagoya Campus, in Japan.

Magdalena published several articles in Applied Cognitive Psychology, the British Journal of Psychology, Psychology & Sexuality, Current Psychology, and Problems of Forensic Sciences. She also presented results of her research at over 30 Polish and international conferences organized by the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), the European Association of Psychology and Law (EA-PL), the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), and the European Association of Social Psychology (EA-SP).

At SWPS University, she teaches classes in social psychology.

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