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Marek Kochan






Professor Marek Kochan is a linguist and media researcher. He researches various aspects of language and public relations, including the language of public communication, public image of individuals and institutions, crisis communication, language used in business, verbal abuse, persuasion, rhetoric and eristic, narration, debating, postcolonial aspects of public discourse, and communication ethics.

He carried out research projects, in particular concerning the language used in business, slogans, and verbal abuse. From 2013 to 2015, he was the Head of Gdańska Academia Debaty (Gdańsk Debate Academy), a research-education project. Simultaneously (2013 to 2017), he was a researcher in a project “Komunikowanie publiczne w Polsce – ujęcie inter- i multidyscyplinarne” (Public communication in Poland. An inter- and multidisciplinary approach) carried out by the Research Consortium Discourse Analysis, and financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities.

He authored several books and book chapters, such as Slogany w reklamie i polityce (Advertising Slogans in Politics) (Trio, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007), Pojedynek na słowa. Techniki erystyczne w publicznych sporach (Word Duel. Eristic Techniques in Public Disputes) (Znak, 2005, 2007, 2012). He also published articles in academic journals, including Studia Politologiczne and Studia Slavica.

For over 25 years, he has been consulting and providing communication training (including crisis communication) and creation of public image for entrepreneurs, managers, and upper management from prominent companies. He has provided communication consulting to over 75 companies entering the Polish stock exchange (Initial Public Offering – IPO).

At SWPS University, he teaches classes in rhetoric, eristic, creating public image of individuals and institutions, language in public relations, analysis of public images in the media, crisis communication, and narration.

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