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BIO Piotr Kwiatkowski


Piotr Tadeusz Kwiatkowski


Institute of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences in Warsaw
Department of Social Studies


Professor Kwiatkowski is a sociologist, specializing in public opinion and market research.

He received his doctoral degree in sociology from the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Warsaw (1985, thesis advisor Professor Jerzy Szacki) and his post-doctoral degree (habilitacja) in 2008.

During his professional career, he held numerous positions, including: Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw (1980-1995), Assistant Professor, and subsequently, Vice-Director of the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) in Warsaw (1986-1991). Between 1991 and 2017 he worked for various public opinion research firms. Co-founder and Vice-President of Pentor Research International (1991-2010), Chairman of the Board at TNS Polska (2011-2016), Director and Member of the Global Board at Kantar Public (2016-2017). From 2001 to 2005 he was a member of the Committee on Professional Responsibility for the Organization of Market and Public Opinion Firms (OFBOR), where he worked pro-bono for six years (2008-2012 and 2014-2016).

During his time at OFBOR, he helped develop and implement a Quality Control Program for Pollsters (PKJPA) that promoted Polish quality standards for market and social opinion polls conducted in the field. He was also one of the pioneers establishing an institutionalized framework for the public opinion research sector, which was rapidly developing in Poland, post-1989 transformation.

In 2009, he returned to academia as Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw (2015-2018) and at SWPS University. His research, combining elements of social sciences, political science and cultural studies, focuses on collective memory.

During his career, he led numerous projects, for example: Historia i teraźniejszość [History and Present Day] (Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), 1987), Współczesne społeczeństwo polskie wobec przeszłości [The contemporary Polish society in the face of its past] (team member and head of empirical research), the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN)/ the Institute of Political Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) (2002–2005), II wojna światowa w pamięci zbiorowej współczesnego społeczeństwa Polskiego [WWII in the collective memory of the contemporary Polish society] (Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, 2009), Niepodległa ’18 [Independent ‘18] (research on the collective memory related to regaining independence by Poland in 1918, the National Centre for Culture, 2016), and Publiczność muzeów [Museum Visitors] (National Institute for Museums and Public Collections since 2017).

He is Editor of Collective Memory and Social Transition in Poland, a publication of the International Journal of Sociology, vol. 35, no. 4, Winter 2006-2007. Author of numerous articles and chapters in monographs and books, such as: Społeczne ramy tradycji [A Social Framework of Tradition] (1992), Przeszłość jako przedmiot przekazu [The Past as the Message] (co-author, 2006), Pamięć zbiorowa społeczeństwa polskiego w okresie transformacji [Collective Memory of the Polish society during the Transformation] (2008), Między codziennością a wielką historią. Druga wojna światowa w pamięci zbiorowej społeczeństwa polskiego [Between Every Day and Great Moments in History. WWII in the Collective Memory of the Polish Society] (co-author, 2010), Odzyskanie niepodległości w polskiej pamięci zbiorowej [Regaining Independence in Polish Collective Memory] (2018), and 11.11.1918. Niepodległość i pamięć w Europie Środkowej [11.11.1918. Independence and Memory in Central Europe (co-author 2018). He is also Editor in Chief of the Kultura i Społeczeństwo [Culture and Society] quarterly (since 2019).

Member of numerous organizations, including: the Polish Sociological Association (PTS) (since 1980), the Polish Association of Market and Public Opinion Researchers (PTBRiO) (since 2010), the Polish Society of Authors and Composers (ZAiKS) - the scientific writers branch (since 2016), and the Memory Studies Association (since 2017).

At SWPS University, he lectures on media research and advanced research methodologies. He is also a thesis advisor.