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Małgorzata Wójcik holds a doctoral degree in Social Sciences, in the discipline of Psychology. She researches dynamics of peer groups, in particular the causes and manifestations of bullying in schools.

Together with her team, she develops and implements innovative educational programs that help prevent violence, stigmatization and discrimination in peer groups and in schools. Recently, she has been working on the implementation of the RESQL program, which helps to monitor and prevent peer violence in primary and secondary schools. She implemented a social innovation project – Educational InterventionBliżej” (Closer), which was aimed at elimination of social exclusion and marginalization in middle schools. The program was financed by The National Centre for Research and Development.

She is a recipient of a grant from the eNgage program, financed by the Foundation for Polish Science, for a participatory research program “INKLA” that was focused on developing youth research teams involved in qualitative research concerning peer relations in the classrooms. She is also a recipient of the 2021 Professor Roman Czernecki award for the best publication in the Education category and the Minister of Education and Science Award for significant research projects implemented in 2022.

Dr. Wójcik authored several handbooks and numerous articles in academic journals.

She teaches social psychology, psychology of communication and relational psychology as well as qualitative research methods, at SWPS University in Katowice.


Related information on SWPS University website


INKLA - anti-bullying action research

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