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Professor Adam Szpaderski specializes in strategic management, management of memorial sites, education management about Auschwitz, the Holocaust and genocides, including application of new technologies in the context of memorial sites as well as parametrization of the cultural heritage sector. He has been working on developing a discipline of international museum management, including memorial sites and other cultural institutions, which encompasses the strategy, parametrization, and efficacy assessment of museums and other cultural institutions, effective management of education about the Holocaust and genocides, application of new technologies in education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, as well as finances and macroeconomics of museums and memorial sites. The process involves research and promotion of management and commemoration standards of such organizations, comparative analysis of museum operational models around the world as well as collaboration with the Polish and international institutions, directors, fundraisers, donors, and curators.

Professor Szpaderski lends his expertise to numerous museums and cultural institutions. In this capacity, he holds the following positions: Chief Consultant for Strategy and Education Management of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, Chair of the Council of the Gross-Rosen Museum in Rogoźnica, Education Strategy Advisor to the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo, Senior Consultant for Strategy and Education Management at the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, and Chairman of the Board of a global Consortium “Prisoners-of-War Remembrance League”. He is also the Head of numerous implementation research projects, such as "Education strategy for the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, including the usage of innovative technologies: virtual reality and internet/mobile platforms", financed by the EEA And the Norway Grants; “MUZEOMETER: Integrated system of parametrization and efficacy assessment of museums and other cultural institutions in the area of remembrance policy”, financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage; “Expertize on setting directions of organizational development of the Palmiry Museum – Memorial Site” financed by the Museum of Warsaw; “Key factors determining the achievement of strategic goals of museums and memorial sites of the former Nazi German concentration and extermination camps with particular emphasis on the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim”, financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and "The model of effective management of dispersed martyrdom heritage" fnianced by SWPS University. Furthermore,  he was Principal Investigator in the project “Conditions of the dynamic innovation in Polish industrial companies” financed by the OPUS funding scheme provided by the National Science Centre.

Professor Szpaderski is the Head of the Center for Research on the Economics of Memorial Sites, Dean's Representative and the Chair of the Committee for Internationalization of Education Offer of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Warsaw at SWPS University, member of SWPS University’s Senate, and member of the Program Board for Graduate Certification Programs at SWPS University.

Professor Szpaderski is a recipient of numerous awards for his research and teaching achievements. He is a member of scientific associations devoted to economics, management and culture, such as the Polish Economic Society, the Learned Society of Praxiology, and the Polish Association for Cultural Studies. He is also Editor in Chief of the Journal of Leadership and Management, and was a member of the jury in the prestigious Sybilla competition, which recognizes the best museums and exhibitions in Poland.

At SWPS University, Professor Szpaderski teaches classes in Advanced Business Development, Leadership and Communication, Organizational Studies, and Management Tools.


Thematic areas:

  • Strategic management
  • Education management about Auschwitz, the Holocaust, and genocides
  • International management
  • Management of museums and memorial sites
  • New Technologies in education
  • Effectiveness parametrization in the sector of cultural heritage
  • Leadership
  • Business management
  • Economics of memorial sites
  • Methodology of management studies

Related information on SWPS University website