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SWPS University - Main page

BIO Aleksandra Bagienska Masiota

Aleksandra Bagieńska-Masiota

Ph.D. / Assistant Professor

Faculty of Psychology and Law in Poznań
Department of Private Law
Coordinator for the Anti-Plagiarism Procedure


Professor Bagieńska-Masiota specializes in press, copyright and political law. Her research interests include protection of copyright and freedom of speech in reference to defamation law. She is also interested in the function of mass media in contemporary and historical context.

She is the author of the first book in Poland on the processes and procedures of the parliamentary committees of inquiry, entitled Sejmowa Komisja Śledcza w systemie politycznym RP [Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry as Part of the Political System of the Republic of Poland] (2010) and a textbook Ochrona praw autorskich. Zarys wykładu dla nieprawniczych kierunków studiów [Copyright Law. Introduction for Non Law Academic Programs of Study] (2015). Additionally she co-authored chapters in various publications, including Polityka medialna w Polsce. Bilans dwudziestolecia obowiązywania ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji [Media Politics in Poland. Act on Radio and Television Broadcasting: A 20-Year Assessment] (2015) and Edukacja medialna w dobie współczesnych zmian kulturowych, społecznych i technologicznych [Media Education in the Era of Contemporary Cultural, Social and Technological Changes] (2015).

She lectures on the protection of intellectual property as well as on copyright and press law, at SWPS University in Poznań.