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Anzhela Popyk, Ph.D. is a sociologist interested in sociology of childhood and migrations, in particular the experience and transformations of child-migrants from various ethnic groups, who undergo socialization in Poland. She specializes in qualitative research (i.e., in depth interviews).

Dr. Popyk is a Principal Investigator in a research project CHILDTRAN Socialization agents shaping transnational transitions and multi-scalar belonging of migrant children in Poland, funded by the National Science Centre. She is also a member of a research team working on an international project “Futures of Ukraine: youth, mobility and post-war reconstruction”, which has been carried out under the auspices of the University of Birmingham in the UK.

She published articles on socialization of migrant children in Poland, and the impact of distance learning on the sense of belonging during the COIVID-19 pandemic.

At SWPS University she teaches classes in sociology of migration, effective learning, critical reading, research ethics, and methodology of qualitative research.

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