Professor Dariusz Jagiełło is a lawyer and attorney at law. He specializes in criminal, substantive, and procedural law. He is also interested in criminology and criminalistics, in particular fraud, evidence obtained from testimonies while using prohibited interrogation techniques, and the influence of suggestion on the outcomes of criminal investigation.
He is a member of the Polish Forensic Association.
He published numerous articles in professional journals, such as Państwo i Prawo, Palestra, Studia Prawnoustrojowe, and Wojskowy Przegląd Prawniczy. He authored the following monographs: Przestępstwa przeciwko dokumentom w polskim prawie karnym [Document Fraud in the Polish Criminal Law] (2013), Przesłuchanie jako czynność dowodowa [Interrogation as an Evidence-Gathering Act] (2017), and Taktyka kryminalistycznych czynności dowodowych [Forensic Tactics in Evidence-Gathering Activities] (2019). He co-authored a monograph Kodeks postępowania karnego. Krótki komentarz dla studiujących [The Code of Criminal Proceedings. A Short Commentary for Students] (2018). He was also a scientific editor of many collective works. He wrote expert reports for various institutions, such as the Institute of Justice and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights.
At SWPS University, he teaches criminal law, criminal proceedings, forensics, criminology, and psychological and legal aspects of interrogation.