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Kamil Janowicz, Ph.D. is a psychologist. He researches the development of identity in adolescents, the role of thinking about the future on human behavior, parental identity, and the impact of (auto)narration on human life.

Currently, Dr. Janowicz is Principal Investigator in a project “Maternal gatekeeping and parental identity - tool adaptation and a pilot study”, financed by the National Science Centre. He is also a researcher in another project “Rola narracyjnego przetwarzania doświadczeń dla rozwoju tożsamości i zdrowia psychicznego w okresie wyłaniającej się dorosłości” (The impact of narration in experience processing on identity development and mental health in adolescence).

As a student, Kamil Janowicz was awarded the Minister of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement (2016/2017). Subsequently, as a doctoral candidate he was granted a scholarship by Adam Mickiewicz University’s Foundation (2021/2022).

Dr. Janowicz is a member of the Program Council of the Share the Care Foundation. He also published a popular science blog on parenthood and child upbringing “Father_ing”.

At SWPS University he teaches a course on “Thinking about the future – theory, research, and practical applications.

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