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Professor Leszek Koczanowicz is a political scientist, philosopher, psychologist. He specializes in political philosophy and political ethics. He is also interested in concepts of democracy, philosophy of culture, and contemporary art and culture.

During his career, he was a Visiting Professor and researcher at the Columbia University, University of California, in Berkeley, University of Buffalo, and Oxford University.

He has written several books, including Wspólnota i emancypacje. Spór o społeczeństwo postkonwencjonalne [Community and Emancipations: A Dispute over the Post-Conventional Society] (2005), Politics of Time. Dynamics of Identity in Post-Communist Poland (2008), Lęk nowoczesny. Eseje o demokracji i jej adwersarzach [Modern Anxiety. Essays on Democracy and Its Adversaries] (2011), Politics of Dialogue: Non-consensual Democracy and the Critical Community (2015), and Anxiety and Lucidity: Reflections on Culture in Times of Unrest (2020).

In 2011, he received the MISTRZ (MASTER) grant, provided by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) to distinguished scholars to intensify their ongoing research or to explore new fields of scientific inquiry.

At SWPS University in Wrocław, he teaches philosophy, social philosophy, and history and philosophy of psychology.

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