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Magdalena Leśnierowska, Ph.D. is a psychologist. She researches occupational and post-traumatic stress in the context of direct and indirect exposure to traumatic events. She specializes in developing and testing of psychological interventions that employ new technologies. She is interested in the role of psychological resources and ways of their strengthening in the process of coping with stress, especially post-traumatic stress resulting from direct and indirect exposure to traumatic events.

She was the principal investigator in a research project “Indirect exposure to traumatic events and posttraumatic stress symptoms” and the leading researcher in the project “Med-stres: Psychological online interventions for medical professionals”. She also contributed to the “E-COMPARED European Comparative Effectiveness Research on Internet-based Depression Treatment” project.

Dr. Leśnierowska participated in numerous conferences in Poland and abroad organized by the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, International Society for Research on Internet Interventions, European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, EACLIPT: European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment, and Association for Psychological Science.

She has eight years’ experience of working as a psychologist for the Polish Armed Forces, in particular the Airforce in Poznań and Warsaw, and the War Studies University in Warsaw.

At SWPS University she teaches classes in statistics and methodology, psychology and technology, stress coping techniques, and stress in high-risk professions.

Related information on SWPS University website