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SWPS University - Main page


Professor Mariusz Wszołek is a communication design researcher. His research interests pertain to the theory and practice of communication design, in particular inclusive, participatory and sustainable approaches to design.

He is the editor of Manual and Communication Design, a series of publications, and the author of books and articles on advertising, design process, and sustainable design.

Furthermore, Professor Wszołek is the coordinator of the doctoral studies program in fine arts and art conservation (external/extramural path), at SWPS University.

He is also a practicing designer and consults on communication strategy and policy to companies and institutions. His clients include NEONET, PDG, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), the University of Wrocław, Strefa Kultury Wrocław (Wrocław Culture Zone), Media Markt, Domar Interior Design Gallery, NOTI, and Merc.

At SWPS University he teaches classes in theory and practice of design, corporate identity, packaging design, and creation.

Related information on SWPS University website