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Monika Weychert






Monika Weychert, Ph.D., is a cultural researcher specializing in the Polish literature and culture. She researches the social history of the Romani people, contemporary Romani culture, and visual representations of the Roma genocide (Porrajmos) in the context of lost and recovered memory.

For many years, she has been collaborating with TVP Kultura, a channel of the Poland’s national broadcaster specializing in cultural content, the Public Space Research Institute at the Academy of Fine Arts (ASP) in Warsaw and, since 2016, with the University of Social Sciences.

Dr. Weychert published numerous articles in cultural periodicals and exhibition catalogues. She edited volume 2/2019 of the Polish Journal of Landscape Studies, and authored a book Romano Kher. O romskiej sztuce, estetyce i doświadczeniu [Romano Kher. On Romani art, esthetics and experience] (2013).

She is on the audit commission of the Polish branch of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). She also run an independent mobile art gallery in Toruń, collaborated with Galeria Foksal in Warsaw, and Królikarnia – Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture, a branch of the National Museum in Warsaw. She curated several dozen exhibitions of contemporary art.

Her doctoral thesis “Niewidzialna Zagłada. Romska sztuka współczesna jako bunt podporządkowanych innych” [Invisible Genocide. Romani contemporary art as a rebellion of subjugated others] received recognition of the Rector of SWPS University and won the second prize in the 15th edition of the Best Doctoral Thesis in the Discipline of Culture competition, organized by the National Centre for Culture (NCK). Twice, she received scholarships funded the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

At SWPS University she teaches classes on contemporary and visual culture. She runs copywriting and journalism workshops, and is a thesis advisor.

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