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Olena Styslavska-Doliwa





Olena Styslavska-Doliwa is an educator interested in sociology of education, in particular democratic education, human rights education and intercultural education. She is an independent external expert in several educational programs of the Council of Europe (i.e., Digital Citizenship Education, Reference Frameworks of Competences for Democratic Culture, Engaging Youth in the Decision Making Processes in Schools and Communities).

She is an author of a mapping study on Ukrainian children’s access to education in the member states of the Council of Europe, which was commissioned by the Council of Europe Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine. She also published an expert report on the impact of the COIVID-19 pandemic on education and culture with the focus on inclusive and quality online education, which was commissioned by the Council of Europe Parliament Assembly Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media.

Currently, Olena is pursuing her doctoral degree at SWPS University’s Doctoral School and is a research assistant in a project “Structure and Agency. Transnational and School Transitions Forced Migrant Children from Ukraine in Poland”, funded by the National Science Centre.

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