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Piotr Kuźnicki Uniwersytet SWPS






Piotr Kuźnicki, Ph.D. is an attorney qualified to practice law in Poland and the United States, in the State of New York. He graduated from the University of California’s Berkeley School of Law (specialization in business law). While at UC Berkeley, he was awarded the Pro Bono Champion Award given to graduating students who best exemplify a commitment to and the values of pro bono work. He was also a research fellow at Yale University.

Piotr’s research interests focus on Polish and American business law and civil law. He is particularly interested in corporate effectiveness, accountability of board members and business partners, corporate governance, corporate litigation, and comparative studies of Polish and American company law.

He authored a monograph Granica osobowości prawnej spółki kapitałowej (Limitations of the Corporate Legal Entity), published by C.H. Beck, and numerous articles on company law published in academic journals. His articles also appeared on, a Polish portal devoted to legal matters, and in Rzeczpospolita, a Polish daily.

He runs his own legal practice and collaborates with Linke Kulicki Law Firm.

At SWPS University, he teaches classes in company law, liabilities, and venture capital transactions.