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Professor Teresa Gardocka is a lawyer. She specializes in criminal law and criminal proceedings, including international criminal law. She is the Director of SWPS University’s Institute of Law. She researches Poland’s post-1989 transformation, in particular the aspects of social welfare and public administration. She is also interested in the fundamental human rights and freedoms, and animal rights.

Professor Gardocka authored numerous academic publications, including Postępowanie karne [Criminal proceedings] ( (2005), Dylematy praw człowieka [Human Rights Dilemmas] (2009), Mowa nienawiści a wolność słowa [Hate Speech vs. Freedom of Speech] (2010), Uchodźcy w Polsce i Europie. Stan prawny i rzeczywistość [Refugees in Poland and Europe. Legal Status and Reality] (2010), and Prawa mniejszości narodowych [National Minorities Rights] (2011). She was the scientific editor of collective works such as: Zamęt w wymiarze sprawiedliwości karnej [Turmoil in the Criminal Justice System] (2016), and Medyczne prawo karne [Medical Criminal Law] (2016).

At SWPS University she teaches classes in criminal procedure, international criminal law, social politics, and legal and professional ethics.

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