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SWPS University - Main page

BIO Wieslaw Bartkowski

Wiesław Bartkowski

Teaching Assistant

Institute of Design
Faculty of Design in Warsaw
Department of Computer Science
Head and Co-founder of the Creative Coding post-graduate program at SWPS University


Interaction designer and researcher of complex systems, specializing in physical computing. His research interests also include computer simulations and techno-social systems. He participated in the Hrizon2020 research program “Future and emerging technologies” and developed tools for the UN and West Point. Moreover, he has collaborated with the Florida Atlantic University, Ammerman Center for Art and Technology in Connecticut, Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation Torino, Columbia University, and the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).

He has developed a unique study program that combines computer studies, humanities, and creative applications of technology. He teaches artists and designers how to combine computer code with electronics and digital fabrication. In other words, he teaches how to shape a mixture of bits and atoms.

His scientific visualizations and interactive installations were presented at numerous art galleries, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Centre for Contemporary Art, BOZAR Gallery, Artothek Monachium, and the Nowy Theatre.

In 2018, Wiesław received the DESIGN ALIVE AWARD, in the Animator category, for broadening the range of touch points between interactive technology and humanities, design, and art.

At SWPS University’s School of Form, he is the Head of the professional certification and training program “Creative Coding”. He is also a lecturer at School of Ideas, an undergraduate program focused on innovation.