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Research projects

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SWPS University - Main page

Partners in the Community

Partners in the Community

SWPS University, as a higher education institution focused on Social Sciences and Humanities, is committed to supporting governmental organizations, businesses and communities with research, knowledge and expertise. The University participates in various projects that improve the quality of life of communities and influence governmental regulations and policies.

SWPS University is a Strategic Partner of the City of Warsaw and a member of the Creative Communication Cluster, an informal association of experts, businesses, NGO’s, social organizations and forecasters, who provide professional promotional services of national and international scope.




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Law on Higher Education 2.0

SWPS University has been selected by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as one of three Universities in the national competition, Law on Higher Education 2.0, that sought the best proposals for the reform of university education in Poland. As the result, the team of academics from the Faculty of Law at SWPS University, under the leadership of Professor Hubert Izdebski, Director of the Institute of Law, will take an active role in shaping the future of higher education in Poland. More information »

Ponad SWPS University, in cooperation with Senfino Sp. z o.o. (Senfino Inc.), conducted an analysis of user requirements in relation to a government website The website, hosted by the Ministry of Development, provides information, tools and support for prospective entrepreneurs and small business owners on starting, running and growing a company.

Branding Warsaw

Students of Psychology, under the leadership of Assistant Professor, Alicja Grochowska, Ph.D. and Professor Andrzej Falkowski, conducted a 24-month research project on real and perceived attitudes, opinions, and connotations that people have about Warsaw. The project was carried out in cooperation with the City of Warsaw and provided valuable data, which was used by the municipality to build the brand of the capital of Poland.

Eye-tracking and Math

Krzysztof Krejtz, Ph.D., from the Department of Psychology at SWPS University conducted a research project on tracing “Patterns of Visual Focus in the Process of Solving Math Questions Among 3rd Grade School Children”. The goal of the project was to understand how patterns of visual focus influence the ability to comprehend and solve math word problems and what strategies children use to arrive at the correct answer. The project was conducted in cooperation with the Educational Research Institute, National Information Processing Institute and CBOS Public Opinion Research Center.

Project Motivator

The Motywator [Motivator] project was carried out by psychologists from SWPS University in cooperation with the City of Warsaw and Neurogra Sp. z o.o. (Neurogra Inc.) to help students set and achieve educational goals. Thanks to the project, teachers received training and tools that help them to motivate students and assess levels of motivation throughout the school year. The tools include online exercises designed to help students practice concentration and improve cognitive functions, such as memory and critical thinking. The exercises are available on the platform.

Quo Vadis

Project Quo Vadis conducted in cooperation with the Center of Education Development, a national teacher training institution, was developed by psychologists from the Warsaw campus of SWPS University. The goal of the project was to design a set of diagnostic tools, enabling educators to test students’ predispositions, talents, professional interest and entrepreneurial skills. The reports produced with the use of the Quo Vadis tools help young people and their parents to make informed decisions when choosing academic and career paths. The project was funded by a grant from the European Social Fund.

Design in Children’s Home

Psychology and design students from SWPS University in Poznań participated in the workshop organized by School of Form and the Marshal’s Office of the Greater Poland district. The goal of the project was to design a functional, comfortable and welcoming living space for the children and teachers of the Children’s Home in Szamocin. An important aspect of the project was to involve the children and teachers in the design process to meet their needs and to boost their engagement and feeling of co-ownership of the project.



SWPS University in partnership with The National Center for Research and Development has designed and implemented several projects that have direct impact on local communities and social groups.

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Project "Closer"

Bliżej [Closer] – an educational intervention project was conducted by psychologists from SWPS University in Katowice and implemented in middle schools, in the region of Silesia. The psychologists, under the leadership of Małgorzata Wójcik, Ph.D., designed a series of educational lessons and workshops, which helped teachers and students understand and eliminate the roots of bullying and social exclusion at school and in their local community. More information on the Bullying Prevention Program ».


Project "Memo"

Memo – a two-year research project carried out in partnership with Stocznia, Pracownia Badań i Innowacji Społecznych [Stocznia, Social Research and Innovation Lab], Laboratorium EE, and the City of Gdańsk, focused on memory mechanisms in elderly people. The project was designed by a team of psychologists from SWPS University, led by Associate Professor Sylwiusz Retkowski, Ph.D.. The results of the study will be used to design a multi-media tool for stimulating memory and provide seniors with interactive ways of maintaining robust mental agility.


Researchers from SWPS University have won multiple grants from the Foundation for Polish Science for projects that help understand various aspects of social life and benefit communities and social groups.

Project "Brain Fitness"

Fitness dla mózgu [Brain fitness] – a research project, carried out by cognitive neuroscientists from SWPS University, focused on the relation between cognitive processes and aging. More and more evidence indicates that exercising the brain is as important as exercising the body. Therefore, the researchers designed web-based tools enabling seniors to practice their learning and cognitive skills in order to improve and maintain mental capabilities. The exercises are available on online platform.

Project "Inkla"

Inkla – a research project encouraging high-school and university students to be actively involved in their community. The project, supervised by social scientists from SWPS University in Katowice, aimed to introduce students to the social sciences discipline and research methods, and to show that individuals can have a direct impact on their communities. Students were invited to conduct research on peer relations in their schools and social groups, diagnose problems or conflicts and propose solutions that could be implemented to improve relationships in the community. One of the methods used during the project was Photovoice, which helped students to tell their stories through photographs of their environment or images symbolizing their problems or fears. The photos collected during the project can be viewed here »

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