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SWPS University - Main page

Academic year 2022-2023

How do we operate during the pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a significant change in the functioning of society and led to the introduction of restrictions which all the universities have been obligated to implement. We feel we are responsible for the health and safety of our students and employees, therefore we have undertaken appropriate measures necessitated by the situation. After two years of teaching in the pandemic conditions, we are well prepared for the upcoming academic year.

If the situation allows, we will hold classes onsite, in our campuses, as much as possible so that students and lecturers can meet face to face and enjoy the full university experience. At the same time, we have maintained all the solutions we introduced during the full lockdown. Therefore, we can adjust our teaching methods at any time to meet the current pandemic or other requirements. We are fully prepared for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Effective organization

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the academic reality by imposing limitations which made it impossible for the university to function as before. But we knew we had to face that challenge from the very start. We were motivated by the feeling of responsibility for the education of 14,000 students who put their trust in us.

Owing to the outstanding commitment of the entire academic community, within ten days we resumed teaching online according to the original schedule. The effective organization of online teaching has allowed us to fully meet the requirements of the teaching programs and realize teaching outcomes also in the subsequent semesters.

Our first semester of online teaching in numbers:


online meetings with student


online teaching hours




online tests

The above-noted numbers show not only how large the scale of the effort was, but also how much work has been done both individually and institutionally by our employees.

How we have built
a distance learning system

For English subtitles, please click the Subtitles Icon in the bottom-right corner of the video screen, once it starts playing.


Today we can say with full confidence that our university has fulfilled its educational mission, even though now, during the pandemic, that mission is pursued differently than before. We made every effort to ensure that the change in the organization of teaching does not negatively affect the classes or the cooperation between the students and the lecturers.

We have learned how to teach online using the latest technology. We constantly search for new possibilities, while developing our online teaching competencies. To enable these activities, we have equipped our classrooms with the latest tools for combining in-class and online teaching and we have established a Center for Excellence in Distance Education, where researchers and educators work on applying new learning solutions.

Thanks to the experience we have gained over the past months, we now know which tools work best in online teaching, how to conduct online exams and thesis defenses.

of education

Flexible approach

The goal we set for ourselves now is to maintain the quality of teaching while at the same time ensuring safety of our students and lecturers. We have been achieving this by means of flexible organization of classes aimed at the optimal use of available capabilities.

You may expect that some classes will take place on campus and some lessons online, however regardless of the mode, you will be expected to participate in them in real time. This flexible approach may be challenging, however this is the way that currently still allows you to follow your dreams.

As a rule, the online classes are conducted live, so they require your participation in real time. Therefore, while preparing for university, ensure that you have internet access, a computer, and good headphones with a microphone. You will find more information on this topic on the Virtual University platform.

Class modalities
the 4+1 formula

Classroom activities

Students participate in traditional classes in the university buildings, in accordance with the current sanitary regulatoins.

Online synchronous classes

Students participate live in classes conducted online with the possibility of direct interaction with the lecturer and with other students.

Online asynchronous classes

Students participate in classes conducted online which are prepared earlier by the lecturer and made available for viewing in any place and at any time.

Hybrid classes

Within the scope of a given subject, all the students in one group participate in classes conducted both in the university building and online according to the original schedule. This means that part of the teaching hours are conducted in the classroom and the rest are carried out online.

Lessons take place in the classroom and are transmitted online in real time. Thanks to this solution, groups can be split – some students participate in-class on campus, while others work online.

Where can I get
more information

Currently, we are preparing to teach the majority of the programs on campus, with a limited number of classes online. Information about the mode of teaching in your program of study will be provided by your respective Faculty.

Detailed information concerning on-campus or online teaching will be available on the Virtual University Platform, in the class schedule section as well as in e-mail sent to your student e-mail address.

If it proves necessary, we will adjust the mode of teaching accordingly, therefore please stay current on all communications sent to you by the university.

Please check your university e-mail regularly

Please read the information posted in the Virtual University

Support for students
Creating jobs

We have invested close to EUR 220,000 (PLN 1 million) in two assistance programs for students who have found themselves in difficult circumstances due to the pandemic.

Student support scheme

Thanks to the student support scheme our students find temporary employment at the university. So far, we have received 420 applications from our Polish and international students. For those, who fulfilled the criteria, we have created close to 140 jobs at the university.

Grants and welfare support
provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The scheme includes a variety of financial aid benefits subsidized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education including: rector’s scholarships, grants for persons with disabilities and welfare benefits which are designed especially for students who found themselves in difficult circumstances as a result of the pandemic.

Health and safety rules on campus

Protecting yourself and others

We do our best to ensure the safety of our students and employees, however we also need YOU to be responsible and do YOUR part:

Consider wearing a face mask while indoors. Face masks reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Cover your mouth and nose.

Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Use soap and water, and if they are unavailable, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers (min. 60%).

When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue. Immediately discard the used tissue to a closed dustbin and wash your hands with soap and water.

Maintain a safe distance and avoid large gatherings. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters.

If you experience fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical assistance. Stay at home until you get well.

Remind others to observe these rules.

maintain a safe distance

at least 1.5 meters

wear a face mask

in the university premises

cover your mouth and nose

when coughing and sneezing

wash your hands regulary

for at least 30 seconds

How to cope with coronavirus anxiety