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SWPS University - Main page

Internships and Practicum

We will help you plan
the path of your professional development

SWPS University’s Office of Career Services will help you chart the path of your professional development. We support our students in their professional development along the whole process, from the professional development plan to submitting a job application. We also help students with developing key skills that are indispensable on the job market.

Plan your career

If you would like to gain valuable information about the job market and how to get a job, join us at one of our workshops. To stay current with the information concerning our workshops and meetings, follow us on Facebook, the Virtual University, and subscribe to the Office of Career Services’ monthly newsletter.

We offer the following workshops and meetings:

  1. What’s next after you graduate? – Employment Readiness
  2. During the meeting you will learn:

    • How the Office of Career Services can help you to develop your skills and take advantage of some opportunities, such as meetings with inspiring people, training sessions, student research clubs, and volunteering opportunities.
    • How to recognize the skills you already have, including your career predispositions.
    • To create your education and career plan.
  3. Career Readiness Workshops
  4. Are you a foreign student at SWPS University, who is looking for a job? Would you like to learn more about the job market in Poland and prepare for the recruitment process? Register for our four-meeting program that was developed especially for students and graduates of our programs in English. The workshops are held online, every semester, and are addressed to students at all USWPS campuses.

    Workshop program

    • Get to know the Polish job market
    • Discover your own potential and design your future
    • Write your CV and job application
    • Get ready for a job interview.
  5. Career paths for graduates of psychology
  6. During the webinar you will learn:

    • How to design your career path
    • What are the typical career paths for graduates of psychology
    • Where to look for a job and how.
  7. Introduction to building a personal brand
  8. During the workshop, you will:

    • Discover key aspects of building your personal brand
    • Find out why building your personal brand is important and how it may impact your career development
    • Plan communication of your personal brand and take a stab at developing its visual identity, one that will reflect you, and will be memorable.
  9. Where to look for a job and how? A guide to the job market
  10. Are you looking for job or internship opportunities but you are unsure how to approach it? Thanks to our workshop, you will:

    • Define your career goal
    • Learn how to read job offers to see if they are aligned with your career aspirations
    • Understand what is “active job seeking”.
  11. Show me your CV, and I will tell you who you are – how to prepare effective job application documents
  12. During the workshop, you will find out:

    • What is the optimal CV design
    • What attracts and what discourages recruiters
    • Are motivational letters still required by employers
    • How to stand out among hundreds of other candidates.

    You will also prepare your CV during the meeting, and take on a role of a recruiter.

  13. Get ready for your job interview
  14. During the workshop, you will:

    • Participate in a mock job interview with a recruiter/potential employer
    • Practice answering the most frequently asked interview questions
    • Learn how to talk about your strengths
    • Learn what questions you should ask during the interview.
  15. Development Centre
  16. If you would like to better understand your soft skills and get some feedback not only about your strengths, but also about the areas that you still need to develop, join one of our session at the Development Centre. You will participate in a session with several other students. During the session, you will:

    • Complete two team tasks and two individual tasks
    • While completing the above-noted tasks, you will be observed by experts, who will assess your soft skills
    • You will not get any feedback during the session, but later you will receive a written qualitative report on your soft skills, including your strengths and development areas, as well as development recommendations
    • You will meet with one of the assessors for a one to one feedback session to discuss the report.
  17. Mentoring Program
  18. If you are proactive, highly motivated, focused on your personal and professional development, and would like to learn from experts in a given field, join our mentoring program. To goal of the program is to build your potential, including the skills sought after by employers, through an informal mentorship program.

Book a meeting with a career counselor

You might also consider booking a meeting with a career counselor, who will help you to discover your professional potential. You will learn to recognize your strengths and name the skills that you already have. This will help you to chart the direction of your professional development and face new educational and professional challenges. During the meetings with a career advisor, you will develop an action plan that will help you achieve your professional goal.

To book a meeting with a career counselor, log in to your Virtual University account and select the following steps: Internships and CareerCareer AdvisoryMy AppointmentsSchedule an Appointment.

Prepare for your job interview

Do you feel anxious about a job interview and the whole recruitment process? Do not worry, we will help you to prepare your CV, motivational letter, and your profile on professional online platforms, such as LinkedIn. You can also practice your interview skills, during a mock interview with one of our career advisors.

Book a meeting with a business counselor

Book an appointment with an entrepreneurship advisor, if you want to:

  • Discuss a business idea
  • Get feedback about your branding and marketing strategies
  • Plan your company’s webpage and social media presence
  • Find out what are the responsibilities of a business owner
  • Get information on financing opportunities for new businesses
  • Fill in an application for a subsidy for small businesses, provided by the Employment Office, etc..

To book a meeting with a business counselor, log in to Virtual University and select the following steps: Internships and CareerCareer AdvisoryMy Appointments – Schedule an Appointment.

Review our current job and internship offers

Our portal provides students with current job and internship offers. Log in to the Virtual University Platform and select Jobs and volunteering or Internships. Search options will help you narrow down the offers that are aligned with your skills and professional interests. We collaborate with many companies who will gladly see SWPS University alumni amongst their employees. You can also discuss specific job offers with a career advisor, during your individual meeting. Additionally, we post the available job offers on our Facebook pages:

The Office of Career Services will also provide you with the information about the mandatory and extracurricular internships. We will help you find a company that offers internships, guide you through the recruitment process, and finally complete the necessary internship-related paperwork.

Participate in meetings with employers

To kick start your professional career, take part in our numerous meetings and workshops with employers and graduates of SWPS University. This is an excellent way to learn more about particular industries, specific career paths, and employers’ expectations towards potential employees. The events are a great opportunity for networking with recruiters, and getting to know different organizations. To stay current with the upcoming events, follow us on Facebook, the Virtual University Platform, and review the monthly Office of Career Services’ newsletter.

Participate in meetings with SWPS University alumni

Our Alumni Success Stories – Get Inspired! series is addressed to all students who would like to find out how their careers might look like, once they graduate from SWPS University. During the meetings you will get a lot of valuable information that will help you chart your own career path and follow your interests. To stay current with the upcoming events, follow us on Facebook, the Virtual University Platform, and review the monthly Office of Career Services’ newsletter.

Register for our April 15, 2025 free webinar 
to learn about job opportunities for international students in Poland.