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Research projects

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

How we work


We bridge the gap between the world of science and the social and cultural environment. To this end, we cooperate with local governments, entrepreneurs, cultural and artistic institutions, foundations and non-governmental organizations. We promote the idea of social engagement and seek practical solutions to important problems and challenges of today.

We strive to improve people’s quality of life and meet their needs through the actions we undertake on our own and in collaboration with our external partners.

Socially useful

Our research improves the quality of life

We design research with high implementation potential. The knowledge we gain is applied in various areas of the economy - from education, health and safety, culture and arts, to business and enterprise development. It is important for us to make sure that the results of our work can be used to create innovative solutions to specific social problems. For example, the "BLIŻEJ" (eng. closer) program aims to combat peer exclusion at school, the "TEMPEST" project helps the prevention of obesity among children and adolescents, and the results of the "I-TREND" study support the campaign against illegal psychoactive substances.

Want to know more about our research?
Take a look at the projects we are working on

We create social innovations

Our social innovations are not technological novelties, but solutions that respond to people's actual problems and have a genuine impact on the quality of our lives. The "BEVIADO" system makes it possible to conduct psychological interventions online. The "PHOTON" educational robot develops cognitive skills in children and teaches them about programming. The "JASNOPIS" application checks the intelligibility of official texts, and the "MEMO" multimedia tool supports the memory capacity of elderly people. The “RESQL” system for combating peer violence in schools won second prize in the "Innovative Company" category of the "Innowator Mazowsza" competition.

"Innowator Mazowsza" competition, 2021
Krzysztof Rzeńca i Piotr Ciszek, SWPS University

We implement modern
and useful solutions

photon beviado

and students

We shape future changemakers

The world needs committed people who are able to identify a problem, propose a solution and implement it. We develop a sense of agency and self-confidence in students so they can make a positive impact on their surroundings. We teach them to be sensitive to social problems, show them how to be open to other people, act with courage and be able to work as a team. We give them the tools and encourage them to take action that leads to positive change in the world around them.

Our degree programs in Zarządzanie i przywództwo (Management and Leadership) received the "Journey to Changemaker Certificate" award granted by the international Ashoka foundation to institutions that educate social changemakers.

Explore our offer of studies
studenci sof

We encourage students to participate in solving local problems

We are the first university in Poland to join the #MillionsofChangemakers campaign launched by Ashoka which aims to promote positive social change around the world. We show students how to apply the knowledge they gained in practice. Together, we look for solutions to specific social problems and pursue projects which serve to improve the life of the local community.

Graphic design students prove that law can be understandable to everyone (Legal Design). Law students provide free advice to people whose financial situation does not allow them to get professional legal assistance (Student Legal Services Education Center). Our future psychologists affiliated in the international Enactus organization help local businesses survive on the market (Kamionek Milowy).

Konrad Maj's team awarded in
Enactus Poland National Competition


Projects with external partners

We believe that the key to social change is cooperation based on dialogue and exchange of experience. As part of our agreements with the Beetween.Pomiędzy foundation and the Copernicus Science Centre, we work on joint projects in the area of education and culture.

Our Humantech Center for Social and Technological Innovation is a place where representatives of business, local government and non-governmental organizations can meet with scientists and students and together work on projects dealing with problems important for the society.

Looking for partners for an interdisciplinary project?
Do it with us

Cooperation with local governments

We are always in touch with local authorities. With expertise and an interdisciplinary approach, we offer solutions for business, education, healthcare and community service based on the latest scientific findings.

We carry out projects commissioned by local governments. We developed a strategy for solving social problems in Poznań and Sopot. We have developed a unique educational program for public administration entitled “Gov_LAB”, which aims to develop effective instruments of support for local entrepreneurs and investors. We conducted a survey on the size of the arts community in Poland under the name “Policzone i policzeni!"which will allow for the introduction of systemic solutions improving the situation of this professional group.

Read more about our projects

for children and adolescents

We assist children and adolescents
in difficult situations

Stowarzyszenie Wspólne Podwórko, originally established as a community project initiated by our students and faculty members, has now grown to become a non-governmental organization providing support to children and adolescents whose families are finding themselves in a difficult situation. The organization offers family counselling and a therapeutic walk-in center for residents of the Warsaw’s Praga district.

We provide
psychiatric and psychological therapy

Our Niepubliczna Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna (Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic in Poznań) offers therapeutic sessions for children suffering from psychomotor hyperactivity or behavioral disorders. Moreover, the Clinicl is one of very few places in Poland that provide therapy for adolescents. We also operate a Community Mental Health Centre that provides free psychiatric and psychological care for children and adolescents of Poznań.


We share our knowledge beyond the walls of our University, using the Internet and other new technologies. We have created our own media which, over the years, have become leading sources of information in their respective categories, such as psychology, management, and design. We offer online webinars and lectures, develop videos and podcasts, and publish popular science blogs for anyone who is interested in learning about individuals and society, psychology, law, management and leadership, computer science, as well as the latest trends in culture and design. We are constantly growing the communities of people interested in the scientific disciplines and the work of our researchers.

We were the first universitiy in the world to publish science popularizing podcasts on Spotify. We are currently among the most popular content creators in Poland that publish on this platform. Furthermore, for the past several years we have been among the top 3 content creators enjoying the highest number of listeners on Audioteka, the most frequently visited Polish platform for audio content. The quality and value of our educational materials is confirmed not only by the growing audience, but also by the industry awards we have been receiving in recognition of our efforts and success in developing our own media.

Listen to our podcasts