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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Research projects

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SWPS University - Main page

International Partnership


SWPS University is a member of various international organizations, associations, programs and networks.

We believe that these memberships confirm our international position and reflect our proactive attitude towards internationalization, a goal that is aligned with our International Strategy.

partnerships and consortia

Our Compass

Good networking is an essential aspect of a modern university's identity. The partnerships we form and the initiatives we undertake shape us as researchers, teachers, students, professionals, and other members of the international academic community.

Radosław Stanczewski
Director of the Office for International Cooperation

in international organizations

European University Association (EUA)

EUA is Europe’s biggest and most comprehensive organization representing more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation.

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European Union of Private Higher Education (EUPHE)

EUPHE is an international association launched in Brussels which aims to facilitate the exchange of experience across national borders and to work closely together with the European Commission, the European Parliament, representatives at Council level and in the EU member states on private university topics.

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Global Academy of Liberal Arts (GALA)

GALA is a select international community of 24 universities and colleges in 17 countries that seeks to develop new kinds of research and teaching collaboration, to support enhanced international mobility among faculty, staff, and students, and to reimagine liberal arts education for the twenty-first century. The network was founded and is managed by Bath Spa University, in the United Kingdom.

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Baltic University Programme (BUP)

BUP is a regional network of 84 Universities from the Baltic Sea region (and additionally from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine), established in 1991, managed by Uppsala University in Sweden. The BUP network strives to find novel ways of interaction and cooperation among universities by promoting openness, internationalization and mobility. The organization is committed to gaining and disseminating knowledge in the fields of sustainable development, environmental protection, nature resources, democracy and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

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European Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE)

EUA-CDE is the largest European network in this field, covering more than 30 countries and bringing together a community of academic leaders and professionals from over 230 universities awarding doctoral degrees and institutions working on issues related to doctoral education and research training.

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European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

ECPR is an independent scholarly association with 350 institutional members across some 50 countries representing leading universities, students, and senior academics engaged in research and teaching of political science worldwide.

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VITAE is a global leader in supporting professional development of researchers and supporting transitions of doctoral students to industry.

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Magna Charta

We are a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and a member of the Magna Charta Observatory of Fundamental Values. The Magna Charta, which sets out principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy as a guideline for good governance and self-understanding of universities in the future, has been signed by over 900 universities from 88 countries.

The Magna Charta Observatory of Fundamental Values and Rights (MCO) is the global guardian of fundamental university values and assists universities and higher education institutions to operate effectively in accordance with these principles.

Magna Charta

Polish academic organizations

In Poland, our University plays an active role in the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools (CRASP), the representative body of academic schools and the science community in the country. CRASP safeguards traditional academic values, including the constitutional principle of autonomy afforded to higher education institutions. The principle guarantees the right of these institutions to present their positions on all issues of interest to the academic community.

We are also a member of Polska Unia Edukacyjna (Polish Education Union), an organization that represents interests of non-public education institutions of all levels of education in Poland, and Forum Uniwersytetów Zaangażowanych (Engaged Universities Forum), a platform dedicated to strengthening and coordination of social and community engagement of its members and to supporting research and educational initiatives aligned with the development of the so-called Third Mission of universities.

biblioteka leuven studentki

Professional associations

Our faculty actively participate in activities of over 40 academic and professional associations, societies and organizations, which represent various disciplines, including Psychology (17 organizations), Philosophy, Cultural Studies, South Asian Studies, Management Studies, Political Science, Health Studies, Law, Translation, and Neuroeconomics. Some notable examples include American Psychological Association, European Health Psychology Society, Association for Psychological Science, International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Society for Neuroeconomics, European Association for South Asian Studies, and Association for Cultural Studies.

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