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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Academic Staff

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

Discover our potential


Science helps us face the challenges of the modern world. This is why we strive to transform the results of our research into tangible outcomes - products or services that respond the needs of users and combat social challenges.

We go beyond the walls of our university to set up interdisciplinary teams bringing together professionals specializing in the humanities, social sciences, engineering and new technologies, as well as industry experts and specialists from the service sector. We're joining forces. This is how social innovation comes about - through innovative solutions that change the quality of our lives.


We believe in research-based solutions

We pursue projects in social psychology, personality development, cognitive processes, economic behavior and decision-making processes, visual perception and attention, human-computer interaction, as well as behavioral neuroscience and neuroplastic changes. We conduct research in the areas of sociology and political science, as well as cultural studies and the development of the creative economy. It is reliable knowledge based on research results, essential for creating advanced innovations and breakthrough solutions.

Learn more about our research centers

Working to improve
the quality of life

We conduct socially useful research

We design research with high implementation potential, whose results can be used to generate innovative solutions to specific social problems. As a result, the knowledge we gain is applied in various areas of the economy - from education, health and safety, culture and arts, to business and enterprise development.

Are you interested in implementation projects? Review our results


We provide platforms for the exchange of ideas

We initiate meetings between scientists from various disciplines and representatives of business, local government and non-profit organizations. We discuss social problems, share knowledge and experience, and develop interesting concepts and ideas for joint ventures. At the HumanTech Center, we work on social and technological innovations together with engineers, IT specialists, entrepreneurs and representatives of local authorities.

Comprehensive services
for researchers

We guide scientists through 
the research and commercialization processes

We offer comprehensive support to scientists, including SWPS University employees and external experts, across the whole research and commercialization processes.

We help scholars find partners among research institutions, the community and business. We oversee all formal aspects of these collaborations, including business, legal and working relationships. We advise clients how to obtain public funding for research, develop commercialization plans and market development strategies. We also grant licenses and establish spin-offs.

Are you a researcher in need of support? Contact us

Research, consultancy,
development strategies

We collaborate with businesses and entrepreneurs

We advise entrepreneurs on how to develop the business potential of their companies by implementing innovative solutions using the knowledge of our scientists. Together we work out a development strategy for a given innovation, conduct market research and business analysis, build optimal project teams and syndicates, provide advice on issues related to financing R&D activities and coordinate product implementation.

Are you planning to bring a new solution to the market?
We can help you


We provide innovative solutions and improve quality of life
