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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Academic Staff

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

How we work

of Education

We offer interdisciplinary curricula that respond to the challenges of today and are well adapted to the changing needs of the job market. Our lecturers not only convey the latest knowledge, but also discover it together with the students. In an atmosphere of mutual trust and partnership, they motivate students to find their true abilities and clarify their future career plans.

At the same time, they encourage students to pursue their academic ambitions and support them in applying for grants for their own research projects. The community of winners of the prestigious Diamond Grants programme includes many outstanding students from our university.

Modern degree programmes
Various disciplines

Our wide offer of courses includes studies in such areas as: psychology, cultural studies, philology, journalism, law, management, design, as well as computer science and new technologies. Psychology, the cornerstone of our university, is a very important element of education we offer. We believe that getting to know people and understanding the mechanisms of their behavior is extremely important in any profession. If new technologies are to serve humanity, they must build on the achievements of social sciences and humanities, and vice versa. That is why we are gradually expanding the range of our degree programmes with new interdisciplinary courses that combine knowledge from various disciplines.

Preparing you for the job market
Professions of the future

We provide students with a versatile education that prepares them for a smooth entry into the labour market and continued professional development. We systematically modify our curricula so that our students are prepared for the changing requirements of future employers and are able to use the knowledge and competencies they have acquired in emerging professions. We teach project work which requires team building skills, strategic planning, complex thinking and efficient cooperation.

Review our programs in English

Review our Programs in Polish

Working with the business community
Our partners

We co-create and continuously consult our curricula with representatives of the business environment. Owing to agreements with companies with good market standing, students have the opportunity to participate in workshops with experienced industry experts and complete internships and work placements in renowned institutions.

Looking after your professional development
Support of the Office of Career Services

We support students of our university in their professional development at every stage - from planning their career path to applying for specific positions and developing competencies required on the job market. Our Office of Career Services offers comprehensive assistance in this area: it mediates in the arrangement of internships and placements, provides professional consultation, Development Centre sessions and workshops with employers.

Check the Office of Career Services

Our qualified teaching staff
World-renowned academics

Classes are taught by distinguished professors, members of international research projects, authors of textbooks, opinion-forming experts who enjoy recognition at home and abroad, including professor Lech Gardocki - First President of the Supreme Court in 1998-2010, professor Dariusz Doliński - one of the most respected social psychologists in Poland, professor Michael Fleischer - an outstanding expert on social communication and more. We have been visited by: Robert Cialdini - an expert in the psychology of marketing and influencing, Philip Zimbardo - a world-renowned social psychologist.

Meet our academics

Opportunities to meet practicing professionals
representing various industries and fields of expertise

The teaching staff of our university consists of nearly 2000 lecturers, a significant proportion of whom are experienced practitioners, including attorneys and legal counsel from the largest law firms in the country, journalists and columnists working for the leading media, entrepreneurs and senior managers, trainers and certified psychotherapists, as well as architects and designers. Participating in classes with representatives of various industries, students learn the secrets of the profession, work on authentic examples and improve skills which are useful on the job market.

Lidewij Edelkoort, former Director of the Design Academy Eindhoven
and School of Form’s mentor

Recognized by the Polish Accreditation Committee
PKA assessment

The Polish Accreditation Committee which oversees the education process in our country has repeatedly positively assessed our curricula, the level of research and teaching staff, our infrastructure and the support we offer to students at every stage of their education.

Programs offered in the field of cultural studies, as well as in the field of Psychology in Warsaw and in Wroclaw, received a distinction grade in PKA audits. The Committee also confirmed a high level of teaching in the field of sociology and philology in Warsaw, psychology in Sopot, psychology in Katowice and design and psychology in Poznan.

High external ratings
National rankings

High quality of our studies is also confirmed by our very good performance in national rankings. According to the ranking of higher education institutions of the "Perspektywy" magazine, SWPS University is one of the two best universities in Poland offering studies in the field of psychology. Together with the Warsaw University and the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, we are on top of the list of best rated law schools in the country. We are also among the top universities offering courses in the field of English Studies.

Increasingly recognized abroad
International quality rankings

Once again, we appeared on the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, a global list of universities showing achievements in specific academic disciplines. Our university is among the best three hundred academic institutions and is the highest ranking university from Poland in the area of psychology..

We are also the only Polish university that has appeared on the international ranking of young universities entitled Times Higher Education Young University Ranking. We ranked between 301st and 350th out of 475 academic institutions that have been in operation for no more than 50 years.

Review our Standing in Global Rankings

Providing optimal conditions for learning and development
Extensive infrastructure

We realise sustainable that development also needs the right conditions. We systematically modernise our infrastructure. Our students have at their disposal comfortable lecture halls and classrooms, research laboratories with professional equipment for conducting psychological studies, computer rooms with the latest software and specialized workshops such for ceramics, carpentry, locksmith, photo-video processing and screen printing.

Take a tour of our campuses
IMG 0410 IMG 0379

Responding to the needs of persons with disabilities
Bridging the gap

We strive to adapt our buildings to the needs of students with various disabilities. The buildings have elevators, ramps, and restrooms for persons with disabilities. Libraries are fitted with computer stations equipped with screen readers and magnification software, speech synthesizers, and equipment to convert printed materials into electronic form.

Check our facilities
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