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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Academic Staff

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Admission Process

Students who have paid the required tuition fee and have been admitted to SWPS University conditionally, must submit original documents to the Admissions Office by the end of October. You must submit the original documents that you initially uploaded to the online Application Form, such as Personal Data Form, your secondary school and/or university diplomas - as appropriate, grade transcripts (and their translation), university diploma supplement (and its translation), certificate(s) confirming your competency in English (if applicable), medical insurance or a declaration confirming that you have joined the Polish National Health Fund, and, a signed hard copy of your Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies (if you signed a paper copy of the Agreement as an underage candidate or one recruited by an agency). Failure to submit the required original documents by the above-noted deadline will result in your admission to SWPS University becoming null and void.

If your documents are originally issued in Polish, English, Russian or Ukrainian, they don't need to be translated. If your documents are issued in any other language  you need to submit the official (sworn) translation. We accept Polish and English translations.

SWPS University collaborates with private companies that offer student accommodation, such as NEST Student Accommodation and Student Depot. Find out more at:

Once you begin your studies, you may enroll in another program of study. You should apply via the "Contact Zone" tab on the Virtual University portal (after you get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal - you will get it by the end of September).

Campus Life

All information related to studying at SWPS University, on rules and regulations, location of Centers for Student Affairs and other services is available on the Virtual University portal (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September). Furthermore, we would like to encourage you to attend the Orientation Days, where you will receive all relevant information. The Orientation Days usually take place several days before the commencement of the academic year.

Yes, there are restaurants and/or snack bars at all campuses of SWPS University.


There are 2 restaurants, which offer a wide selection of breakfast foods, sandwiches, salads, lunch dishes, non-alcoholic beverages and desserts. The ground floor restaurant “Kardamon” is open all week (including Saturdays and Sundays).There are also numerous snack bars offering snacks, coffee and other beverages.


“Dada Café” is located on Level -1 and is open all week. It offers a variety of foods, priced per portion weight, as well as salads, shakes, deserts, coffee and other beverages.


The “Foods Enjoy Fresh” restaurant is open daily. It offers breakfast and lunch foods, as well as salads, shakes, deserts, coffee and other beverages. There is also a snack bar, where you can purchase snacks on the go.


A student cafeteria is located on Level -1. It is open Monday to Sunday. It offers a variety of foods, priced per portion weight, as well as salads, shakes, yogurt, coffee and other beverages.


The “Smakofonia” restaurant is open daily. It offers breakfast and lunch foods, as well as salads, shakes, deserts, coffee and other beverages.

Yes, there is parking available at all campuses. Please refer to the information below for details:


The first 15 minutes of parking is free. Parking up to 10 hours: PLN 7.00, every hour of parking exceeding 10 hours costs PLN 2.00. Monthly parking fee: PLN 70.00


The parking lot is located behind the building. Entry from Na Podgórniku street. Student parking fee up to 10 hours is PLN 10.00 (you must use your student card to enter the parking lot).


Monthly parking fee is PLN 65.00, monthly parking fee for weekends only is PLN 45.00.


The first 15 minutes of parking is free. Parking up to 9 hours is PLN 5.00, every hour exceeding 9 hours costs an additional PLN 1.00. Persons who have submitted documents confirming a disability to the Center for Student Affairs receive a free parking card.


There are 80 free parking spots located behind the university building. Additionally, approximately 40 parking spots are available along the street, in front of the building. However, it is municipal parking so anyone can park there (first come, first served).

You can find information here.

You can find information here.


The Family Room is located in the South Wing, on the 3rd floor. Room number S301.


A washroom with a change table is located on the ground floor. A Family Room, where parents can feed their children, is also located on the ground floor - the key is available at the front desk.


A washroom with a change table is located in the women’s toilet on the 3rd floor. A Family Room, where parents can feed their children, is also located on the 3rd floor, behind the elevator.


Change tables are available at:

  • Building Altum, 3rd floor, men’s and women’s washrooms
  • Building Novum, 3rd floor, men’s and women’s washrooms
  • building Altum, ground floor, women’s washrooms


A washroom with a change table is located on the ground floor, across from the Office of Student Affairs.

Student Affairs

You will officially become a student after taking the oath, i.e., after signing the Agreement on the Payment Terms for the Studies and receiving your student ID card. Failure to collect your student ID card will result in removing you from the list of students, because it means you have not taken up your studies.

Yes. You can request the confirmation by logging into the Virtual University portal (after you get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal - you will get it by the end of September) and clicking on the "Contact Zone" tab. Confirmations of the student status will not be issued earlier than October 1st.

Our Centers for Student Affairs, located on each of our campuses, provide support for international students, including legalization of stay in Poland, help in finding accommodation, and guidance on booking doctor’s appointments.
Locate your Center for Student Affairs Centers for Student Affairs.

You can find information here.

You will receive your student ID card at the beginning of October. Once you receive an e-mail sent to your SWPS University e-mail account (domain: and a notification on the main page of the Virtual University portal (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal - you will get it by the end of September), you can pick up your student ID card at the Center for Student Affairs or in the respective Office for Student Affairs. The student ID card has a hologram with an expiry date. Before its expiry, please go to your appropriate Center for Student Affairs to extend its validity.

Students who hold valid student ID cards, can enjoy the following discounts:

  • discount on Polish National Railways (PKP) tickets - 51% (up to the age of 26)
  • discount on public transport - 50%

Furthermore, as a student of SWPS University, you are entitled to the following discounts:

  1. Discounts on various programs offered by SWPS University, such as:
  • 25% discount on a second (cheaper) program of study - applies to all students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs at SWPS University
  • 15% discount on group language courses at the Language School of SWPS University in Warsaw - applies to students and graduates of SWPS University
  • graduates of SWPS University are exempt from paying the application fee (payable upon enrolment in undergraduate and graduate programs as well as professional certification and training programs)
  • children of SWPS University alumni who enroll in degree programs at SWPS University are eligible for a 5% discount on tuition fee.
  1. Discounts on Professional Certification and Training Programs offered by SWPS University
  • a discount of PLN 400.00 (which consits of PLN 200.00 discount for the application fee and PLN 200.00 discount for the tuition fee) on professional certification and training programs for graduate students and for alumni

Only holders of valid student ID cards issued by SWPS University are eligible for the aforementioned discounts. Additionally, you can enjoy discounts in cinemas, theatres, museums, restaurants, coffee shops and similar places. Numerous enterprises introduce special offers for students, so remember to ask whether there are any student discounts available in a given place.

Information on the organization of the academic year is avaliable on the Virtual University portal. Fist, go to the "Studies" section and then click "Academic agenda" tab.

Yes, you can change the mode of study from full-time to part-time and vice versa. You can apply to change your mode of study at the Admissions Office by September 30th and later, starting from October 1st, by submitting a request to the Dean of your Faculty via the “Contact Zone” tile on the Virtual University portal (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September).

To log in to your student e-mail account, open any internet browser and go to, enter your student e-mail address and password that you use to log in to the Virtual University portal (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September). You will get access to SWPS University e-mail once you are assigned a student ID number, i.e. shortly before the beginning of the academic year. Students use SWPS University e-mail to communicate with various offices of SWPS University.

If for any reason you wish to change your group, you must submit a request to the Dean of your Faculty via the “Contact Zone” tile on the Virtual University portal (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September). The decision will depend on the availability of places in the group.

The course schedule will be available on the Virtual University portal just before the start of the academic year, i.e. in October. Please check the VU for progress in this matter (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September).

Your weekend schedule of classes will appear by the end of September on the Virtual University portal. You will find it in the "Studies" section, then in the "Academic agenda" tab (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September).

SWPS University operates on a modular degree system. Modules may consist of lectures, practical classes, seminars, and workshops. Details are available on the Virtual University portal.

If you wish to complete your degree in a shorter period of time, you must submit a request to the Dean of your Faculty via the “Contact Zone” tile on the Virtual University portalm (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September). The rules related to completing a degree in a shorter period of time are included in the Study Regulations on the VU, Studies section.

No, the schedule for first year students is fixed which means that all courses are obligatory and there are no elective modules. The detailed information on how to enrill in your other elective classes is avaliable on the Virtual University portal, in the "Enrollment" section (after you will get access to SWPS University’s internal information portal by the end of September).

For the period of their studies in Poland, international students must purchase medical insurance to guarantee health care coverage in case of illness or injury. There are various medical insurance options available, such as: a European Health Insurance Card that covers medical costs in Europe, an insurance policy with the Polish National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) that covers medical costs in Poland, or a medical insurance policy with any insurance company of the student’s choice, for the minimum amount of coverage of EUR 30,000.

In order to become a member of the Student Council, you should follow our Facebook page to learn when the next elections are. We will inform you well in advance in a post. When the elections are announced, we are waiting for applications sent to our e-mail. Please make sure to add a short bio and photograph, along with your answer to the question why you should be in the Student Council. Then it’s time to start the election campaign, which usually takes about one week. After the elections, the selected candidates join the Student Council.

In order to become a full-time member of a Student Research Club, you should contact the president of the given Student Research Club operating within the University.

Yes, there are libraries at all campuses of SWPS University. SWPS University’s libraries hold over 88,000 volumes on a variety of subjects, including psychology, sociology, cultural studies, political studies, philology and language studies, and many other disciplines. The library also offers several hundreds of Polish and foreign periodicals and academic journals, in paper and electronic format. It also provides statistical software and language learning CD’s. Additionally, the library has an extensive collection of feature films and documentaries.

Links to SWPS University libraries on all campuses:

You can start using the library as soon as you collect your student ID (you must present it to the library officer) and pass your library orientation training on our e-learning platform.

Yes, it is possible to transfer to a different Faculty located at a different campus of SWPS University. First, you need to apply to the Dean of your current Faculty, requesting an approval to transfer to a different Faculty. Once your transfer is approved, you must submit a request to study at the new Faculty to the Dean of the newly chosen Faculty. Once your request is approved by the Dean of the newly chosen faculty, you may begin your studies there.

The opening ceremony (also called inauguration of the academic year) is an official start of the academic year. During the event new students take the student oath and become members of the academic community. The ceremony also includes speeches by the Rector of SWPS University and opening address by a guest distinguished speaker. The SWPS University Choir sings Gaudeamus Igitur and other traditional songs appropriate for the occasion. Since it is an important event and a celebration, formal dress code applies.

Yes. SWPS University Choir was established in 2001, at the Warsaw campus. The Choir participates in various musical events, such as concerts, festivals, and choral competitions. Over the past 18 years, the Choir performed over 170 times and participated in more than twenty festivals and competitions, in Poland and abroad, often times winning top places. Please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., if you are interested in joining the Choir.

Fees and Scholarships

You can read about scholarships here.

Yes, SWPS University can issue an invoice for the application fee or your tuition fee. To request an invoice for the application fee you must check the box “I need a proforma invoice” in the online Application Form, while applying to SWPS University.

You can download an invoice for your tuition fee from the Virtual University Platform. Go to Payments, and then:

  • Click “Fees for studies (generating invoices)”, select a payment for which you need an invoice (e.g., tuition fee instalment [1 of 2]
  • Ensure that the invoice information, such as “buyer/payee/” is correct (if a company pays the tuition fee, provide required company information).
  • Confirm that the information is correct then click “Generate invoice”.
  • In cases when a company must be entered in the fields “buyer” and “payee”, SWPS University requires all parties to sign a tri-party Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies between the university, the company, and the student. The agreement, in three copies, should be submitted to the Admissions Office (if you require an invoice for the payment of the application fee) or to the Center for Student Affairs (if you require an invoice for the payment of the tuition fee).

    You can generate a proforma invoice:

    • after the payment of the amount indicated on the Virtual University Platform
    • before the payment, but not earlier than 30 days prior to the payment due date specified in the Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies.

    The first instalment of the tuition fee, irrespective of the selected option of payment, has to e paid by October 5th. In the two-instalment option, the second instalment must be paid by March 5th. If you selected the monthly payment option, instalments are payable by the 5th day of each month (from October to July).

    You individual account number can be found in your Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies. Additionally, once you obtain access to SWPS University’s internal information portal (the so-called Virtual University), you can find your account number by going to the Payments section.


    If you want to discuss various career options associated with your field of study, visit the Office of Career Services (rooms N114 and N116) to make an individual appointment. The Office of Career Services also has Facebook groups dedicated to each campus, which you might want to join.

    It depends on the program, and in particular on the specialization. Some programs require students to complete internships, which can take on various forms. Information regarding the detailed requirements for each field of study is available on the Virtual University portal in the Studies section, then in the Practicum tab.

    Our Office of Career Services cooperates with different companies, institutions and organizations and offers a variety of jobs, internships and voluntary work opportunities. The offers are published at: as well as on our Facebook pages. Additionally, we put up posters on the boards by our offices. You can also visit the Office of Career Services at your campus to chat about upcoming events with potential employers, which the Offices organize. Find your local Office of Career Services

    Our university offers a variety of training sessions and courses funded by various EU programs. Detailed information is available at the Office of Career Services.

    If you wish to find a place for your individual or non-mandatory internship, please visit the Office of Career Services. We will provide a list of companies, organizations and institutions, which accept internship applications. Once you select a company, you must gain an approval of your faculty Practicum/Internship Coordinator.

    First option: Some faculties provide a list of partner companies/organizations that offer student internship/practicum positions.

    Second option: The Office of Career Services publishes internship/practicum/temporary employment offers addressed to students at Students can choose one of these offers from the list and consult their selection with the Internship/Practicum Coordinator from their faculty. If the Coordinator approves the selection, students may apply to the selected company/organization and go through the traditional recruitment process. The company/organization makes the final decision on hiring a candidate for a given position.

    Third option: If you, on your own, want to find a company/organization where you can complete your mandatory internship/practicum and you need a consultation, the Office of Career Services will help you to find such a company. Once you select a company, you must gain an approval of your Internship/Practicum Coordinator from your faculty. Next, you may apply to the selected company/organization and go through the traditional recruitment process. The company/organization makes the final decision on hiring a candidate for a given position. Please book a consultation with an advisor from the Office of Career Services at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Register for our April 15, 2025 free webinar 
    to learn about job opportunities for international students in Poland.