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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Academic Staff

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

SWPS University Press

SWPS University Press, Academica, was established in 2002. Academica operated until 2011, when it was renamed Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu SWPS. The press issues a variety of scientific publications focused on the area of humanities and social sciences, including psychology, sociology, literature, philosophy, education, ethics, and history.

SWPS University Press

SWPS University Press publishes handbooks, monographs, course materials, journals, and doctoral and post-doctoral thesis authored by SWPS University academics.

SWPS University Publications

The publishing house partners with acclaimed academic editors on various projects, including book co-publishing and specialist input into various publications. Publications of Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu SWPS are sold in scientific and academic bookstores and Empik stores across the country. Selected publications are available in electronic format (e-book) on the portal.

We cooperate with the following publishers:

  • Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
  • PWN
  • Avalon
  • Diffin
  • Beck
  • Peter Lang
  • Silva Rerum
  • Auctorum
  • Semper
  • Smak Słowa
  • Scholar
  • Katedra
  • Sedno
  • Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa
  • Libron publishers logo
  • Prześwity logo
  • Wolters Kluwer logo
  • MT Biznes logo
  • Laurum logo
  • Słówko publishers logo


Publications in English15-07-2022

International Leadership and Management: Emerging, Contemporary, and Unorthodox Perspectives

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Publications in English26-02-2021

Failed Leadership

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Publications in English08-09-2020

Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making

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Publications in English20-03-2019

English Edition of Kultura Popularna

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Publications in English05-10-2018

The Impact of Migration on Poland

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Publications in English02-01-2017

Migrants as Agents of Change

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Publications in English08-11-2016

Pre-Suasion by R. Cialdini Published under the Auspices of SWPS University

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and Recognition

Scientific Book Fair in Poznań

  • Media audiowizulane [Audiovisual Media], a book edited by Wiesław Godzica and co-published with Wydawnictwo akademickie i profesjonalne (WAiP), received a Special Recognition Award, in the Father Edward Pudełko Competition for the best academic handbook of 2011, at the 15th Scientific Book Fair in Poznań.
  • Kulturo-znawstwo dysciplina bez dyscipliny [Cultural Studies, a Discipline without Discipline], edited by Wojciech Burszta and Michał Januszkiewicz, received an honorable mention, at the 14th Scientific Book Fair in Poznań.

Academia Book Fair

  • Romowie 2009. Między wędrówką a edukacją [The Roma People 2009. Between Migration and Education], edited by Barbara Weigl, received an honorable mention in the competition for the best academic book, at the 4th Academica Book Fair in 2010.

Education Book Fair

  • Media audiowizulane [Audiovisual Media], a book edited by Wiesław Godzica and co-published with Wydawnictwo akademickie i profesjonalne (WAiP), received an Education Book Fair Medal in 2010.

Teofrast Award

  • Język jako przedmiot badań psychologicznych [Language as a Subject of Psychological Research], edited by Ida Kurcz and Hanna Okuniewska, was nominated for the Teofrast Award in the Best Psychology Book category in 2010.
  • Kulturowe ramy zachowań społecznych [The Cultural Framework of Social Behaviors] by Paweł Boski, co-published with Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), received the Teofrast Award for the Best Psychology Book in 2009. Two other publications of Academica were shortlisted for the same prestigious award in the Best Scientific Book category.

Scientific Journals

Azja-Pacyfik [Asia-Pacific] Journal SWPS University

Azja-Pacyfik [Asia-Pacific]

The journal strives to present the region from the global, rather than Eurocentric perspective. Therefore, almost every issue of the periodical includes articles by Asian authors, who bring the Asia-Pacific perspective to the presented topics. The journal is a scientific compendium of knowledge on the East, and to a lesser degree, South Asia. Additionally, it presents the current global research, attitudes and views on the region.

Contact with us

Kultura Popularna [Popular Culture] Journal SWPS University

Kultura Popularna [Popular Culture]

The journal focuses on the analyses of culture of every-day life, new technologies, contemporary art, interests of mass society and all new trends in popular culture. Kultura Popularna strives to capture dynamic changes, occurring in popular culture, in all their aspects, including those that are considered to be controversial or taboo by the society.

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Acta-Sueco Polonica Journal SWPS University

Acta Sueco-Polonica

„Acta Sueco-Polonica” to czasopismo naukowe założone w 1993 roku w na Uniwersytecie w Uppsali, a od 2006 r. wydawane przez naszą uczelnię. Tematyka obejmuje najrozmaitsze aspekty stosunków polsko-skandynawskich w dziedzinie kultury, języka i historii oraz prezentuje dokonania badawcze w tym zakresie powstałe w Skandynawii, Polsce i Europie.

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Social Psychological Bulletin

Social Psychological Bulletin

„Social Psychological Bulletin” to współfinansowane przez Uniwersytet SWPS czasopismo naukowe publikujące badania empiryczne, debaty naukowe i prace przeglądowe z zakresu podstawowej i stosowanej psychologii społecznej.

Social Psychological Bulletin webpage


Publications of Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu SWPS are available via the following distributors and booksellers:

  • Firma Księgarska Jacek Olesiejuk Sp. z o.o.
    Poznańska 91, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki
    phone +48 22 721 30 00
  • Ogólnopolski System Dystrybucji Wydawnictw Azymut Sp. z o.o.
    Suwak 5, 02-676 Warsaw, Polad
    phone +48 22 847 20 02
  • Księgarnia PSYCHE
    Chodakowska 19/31, 03-815 Warsaw, Poland
    phone +48 22 517 96 30