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Projects and Implementation
We examined the experience of long-term singlehood among men.
19 May 2023
We investigated the role of female victim sexuality and observer sex in the attribution of blame to the victim and perpetrator of IPV.
04 April 2023
A team of researchers set out to propose a new approach to Design Thinking.
02 March 2023
We investigated why a slight cognitive decline is regularly observed in expectant mothers.
27 February 2023
Researchers from SWPS University’s Youth Research Center investigated how the COVID-19 pandemic affected young people’s housing situation in Poland.
24 February 2023
We investigated the impact of emigrant external voting on their homeland politics.
25 January 2023
The study examined the impact of the February 2022 Russian invasion on Ukraine on Polish patients suffering from depression and schizophrenia.
24 January 2023
Researchers investigated whether facial self-resemblance influences emotional mimicry.
18 January 2023
The researchers applied a person-centered approach to differentiate the usage of cognitive emotion regulation strategies among subgroups of individuals by employing latent profile analyses.
Do social media keep us away from the completion of important tasks and how does Facebook fare among them?
13 January 2023
If you like someone, does the judgement change if you learn about not so illustrious behavior of the previously liked person?
22 November 2022
Researchers examined the perception of difference in the evaluations of positive and negative options, in the context of assessing political candidates.
17 November 2022
An investigation into the impact of screen media on child development and rearing.
16 November 2022
Researchers conducted scientific literature review concerning meat alternatives and meat substitutes.
24 October 2022
An investigation into the role of peoples’ worldviews in forming attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines.
22 October 2022
Researchers from several countries investigated factors that might contribute to burnout in this professional group.
21 October 2022
This study on peer bullying focused on exploring the victims’ own perceptions and interpretation of their victimization path.
30 September 2022
The researchers examined how people resolve the dilemma between honest feedback and a prosocial lie depending on the context.
08 September 2022
Researchers from SWPS University’s Social Behavior Research Center provide an overview of the ways in which people use techniques to persuade others to meet various requests, suggestions, and commands.
07 September 2022
A team of researchers, led by scientists form SWPS University have shown that humor plays an important role in emotion regulation, which is beneficial in the prevention of recurring depressive episodes.
06 September 2022
Researchers carried out a literature review concerning the relationship between neuroanatomical features and success in VG training.
Can parents who set very high expectations for their children be also at risk of parental burnout related to the feelings of disappointment?
29 August 2022
Do women/mothers in countries with more egalitarian societies experience lower psychological distress? Research conducted in 40 countries by an international team of researchers indicates that this is not the case.
26 August 2022
The art of making good choices and being consistent in executing them is essential for having a successful and fulfilling life.
24 August 2022
22 August 2022
How far are governments willing to go to uphold national pride? Research carried out by an international group of scientists, including Professor Aleksandra Cisłak, Head of SWPS University’s Center for Research on Social Relations, shows that in...
19 August 2022
A research team, including Professor Aleksandra Łuszczyńska from SWPS University's Institute of Psychology reviewed implementation determinants of policies promoting healthy diet and physical activity.
18 August 2022
Social distancing – an international experiment necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic –inspired a global research project on the effectiveness of different ways of motivating people to follow the pandemic safety rules.
17 August 2022
Poland is facing the scourge of overweight and obesity. According to estimates, in 2025, 26% of Polish women and 30% of Polish men will struggle with this problem. A research team including Professor Aleksandra Łuszczyńska from SWPS University's...
Sleep disorders are on the rise. A group of researchers, including Marta Jackowska, Ph.D. / Assistant Professor from SWPS University’s Institute of Psychology carried out a short-term study to find out whether stimulation of transcutaneous vagal...
12 August 2022
Research indicates that creativity of women is linked with ovulation.
10 August 2022
Do religious people live happier and longer lives? What attitudes do non-believers hold towards society, and how do those attitudes affect their social functioning? Professor John Nezlek analyzed the aforementioned correlations in his study. Find...
18 July 2022
Dishonesty may have grave consequences in many areas of life, including the workplace and the judicial system.
15 July 2022
How do nations tell their stories? Professor Marcin Jacoby analyzed persuasive use of the narrative in Lüshi Chunqiu, an ancient Chinese text.
11 July 2022
Are those suffering from clinical depression stuck in emotional stagnation? Well, not always. But what exactly influences their mood dynamics? That is the question an international research team, including Prof. Roman Cieślak and Dr. Anna Rogala...
Wood is something we know all about—or do we? MYCOsystem is an extraordinary project that reveals the secret world of interspecies relations and invites us to look under our feet and dig even deeper. Furthermore, it gives a new meaning to...
30 June 2022
Who is prone to procrastination? What kind of cognitive deficits are associated with this behavior and what are their consequences? Researchers from SWPS University’s Laboratory of Affective Neuroscience studied the differences in proactive and...
24 June 2022
Can the participation in historical reenactments shape identity of contemporary Poles? The growing popularity of this pastime inspired Agnieszka Rayss, Ph.D., lecturer at SWPS University's School of Form, to create a photo exhibition depicting...
20 June 2022
With their novel technique and unique aesthetic, ZAKOSY stirred interest in Japan. The family of openwork benches created by Dr. Karola Murlak designer and lecturer at School of Form, is the result of his search for the hidden features of natural...
15 June 2022
“Bending and breaking”—this is what happens when populism and nativism take over politics as they did in Poland and Hungary. How do the illiberal PiS (Law and Justice) and Fidesz governments dismantle the liberal-democratic order in both countries,...
12 June 2022
Can the pride of one’s own close knit group, a club or even a nation go too far? If it turns into collective narcissism, it may corrode the relationships within the group and lead to in-group conspiracy. An international team of researchers,...
09 June 2022
We investigated why only up to half of daily cannabis users become dependent.
06 May 2022