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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page


in Warsaw

The library at SWPS University holds over 88,000 volumes on a variety of subjects, including psychology, sociology, cultural studies, political studies, philology and language studies, and many other disciplines. The library also offers several hundreds of Polish and foreign periodicals and academic journals, in paper and electronic format. It also provides statistical software and language learning CD’s. Additionally, the library has an extensive collection of feature films and documentaries.

Library Catalogue and Electronic Databases  
Library announcements, hours of operation, etc. 

East Asia Collection

warszawa kampus biblioteka orient

The East Asia Collection holds nearly 18,000 books and periodicals pertaining to various aspect of East Asian Studies, including history, political and economic relations, social sciences, art and culture, ethnography, religion, philosophy, literature and linguistics. There is also a variety of handbooks and materials helpful in learning of East Asian languages.

Almost 80 per cent of the collection consists of materials devoted to Chinese and Japanese subject matters. The remaining materials pertain to Korea, Vietnam and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region.

More information

Electronic Databases

Students and lecturers of SWPS University have access to Polish and and foreign electronic databases of articles, periodicals and other materials, including: EBSCO, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, SocINDEX with Full Text, Elsevier, JSTOR, Science, Scopus, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science and Lex. They may also use the largest Polish electronic lending library

Library Catalogue and Electronic Databases

Acess for Individuals
with Special Needs

The SWPS University library in Warsaw is equipped with specialized tools to meet the needs of users with disabilities. Specialized equipment includes: a computer station with a speech synthesizer, audio output and print reader software, ZoomText software, myszONka - a computer mouse for people unable to use their hands, a scanner and software enabling conversion of printed materials into digital format, and a stationary reading system for people with visual impairments. The library also provides access to the Academic Digital Library, which holds handbooks and study materials in various digital formats, including: DOC, HTML, PDF, and DAISY.


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