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SWPS University - Main page

Mobility in Higher Education

Mobilityin Higher Education

principal investigator / project leader
Radosław Stanczewski

Full bio
project value: PLN 449,370 (EUR 93,700)
funding source: Foundation for the Development of the Education System
discipline: not applicable
research center: SWPS University
location: cross-university project
duration: 2022 2023

The project will enable academic exchange between SWPS University, Høgskulen I Volda (Volda University College), and the University of Oslo, in Norway. Thanks to this Agreement, ten (10) students from SWPS University will have an opportunity to participate in a 5-month exchange program offered by a partner university.

  • SWPS
  • høgskulen i volda
  • Universitetet I Oslo

Project objectives

The goal of the “Mobility in Higher Education” project is to increase the frequency rotation and exchange of scientific potential between students and academics from Poland and similar higher education institutions in Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway (the Donor Country).

A. Student mobility:

  • enables students from Poland to study at universities in the Donor Countries, and students from these countries to study in Poland, for the period from three (3) to twelve (12) months in a given academic year.

B. Employee mobility includes:

  • exchange of academic staff between universities in Poland and the Donor Countries for teaching purposes, for the period form one (1) day to six (6) weeks, during which time, an academic must deliver at least eight (8) hours of teaching per week at the partner institution
  • mobility of employees form universities in Poland and the Donor Countries for “job shadowing” purposes, participation in seminars, training, workshops and conferences to develop skills and broaden knowledge in a given discipline, for the period from one (1) day to six (6) weeks
  • exchange of employees representing companies from Poland and the Donor Countries for teaching purposes at the receiving university, for the period form one (1) day to six (6) weeks.


During the course of the project, ten (10) students from SWPS University will have an opportunity to study, for the period of five (5 months), at Høgskulen I Volda (Volda University College) or the University of Oslo.

As part of the employee mobility agreement, six (6) academics will be able to spend seven (7) days at the above-noted higher education institutions, while SWPS University will welcome two (2) employees from Høgskulen I Volda (Volda University College), and the University of Oslo.

Thanks to the program, the cost of travel, accommodation and food will be covered for the exchange students and academics. Students will receive communication and language training. The project will also cover organizational costs incurred by the receiving and sending universities.

Project funding

The “Mobility in higher education” project, no. EOG/21/K2/W/003, has been financed by a grant of EUR 93,700 provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway as part of the European Economic Area (EEA) Funds.

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