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SWPS University - Main page

Program Erasmus+ KA171

Erasmus+ KA171
principal investigator / project leader
Weronika Borowska

Development Project Specialist

principal investigator / project leader
Julia Tyburska

International Cooperation Officer

project value: EUR 66,680
funding source: European Commission
funding source: Foundation for the Development of the Education System
discipline: not applicable
research center: SWPS University
location: cross-university project
duration: 2023 2024 2025 2026

The progrm enables international mobility of students, academics, and administrative employees between partner universities located beyond Europe.

  • funded by EU

Project requirements

To participate in the Erasmus+ program, universities must meet a formal requirement of having been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 (ECHE). SWPS University’s Charter was renewed in 2021.

Project objectives

The goal of the project is to foster mobility among partner universities from different regions around the world. Thanks to the program students, academics and administrative employees may participate in exchange with partner universities in Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, and the Philippines.

The project offers the following 20 opportunities for students/academic/administrative employee exchange:

  • 6 incoming mobilities for teaching staff
  • 7 outgoing mobilities for teaching staff
  • 6 incoming study mobilities for students
  • 1 outgoing study mobility for students.

Project Funding

The project is funded by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System as part of the European Commission's program Erasmus+.

At SWPS University, the project is coordinated by the Office for International Cooperation .

Learn more about the project

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