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SWPS University - Main page

Increasing the contribution of Polish universities to global research by strengthening research collaborations with reputable research centers around the world, through participation in the European Reform University Alliance

Increasing the contribution of Polish universities to global research by strengthening research collaborations with reputable research centers around the world, through participation in the European Reform University Alliance

principal investigator / project leader
Radosław Stanczewski

Full bio
project value: PLN 1,002,100
funding source: Ministry of Education and Science
discipline: not applicable
research center: SWPS University
location: cross-university project
duration: 2023 2024 2025

The goal of the project is to strenghten cross-university research collaborations.

  • Logo of Poland's Ministry of Science and Higher Education

About the project

In December 2023, SWPS University signed an agreement no. MEiN/2023/DIR/3668 with the Minister of Education and Science (currently the Minister of Science and Higher Education). The goal of the agreement is to increase the contribution of Polish universities to global research by strengthening research collaborations with reputable research centers around the world, through participation in the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA).

To meet the objectives of the project, SWPS University will align its organization, processes and information technologies with the requirements of the ERUA consortium. In particular, SWPS University will enable students and academics from the partner universities to enroll in classes and courses offered by SWPS University, and obtain certificates confirming the learning outcomes obtained during the courses.

Project funding

Project no. MEiN/2023/DIR/3668 is funded by the Minister of Education and Science (currently the Minister of Science and Higher Education).

At SWPS University, the project is coordinated by the Office for International Cooperation .

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