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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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BIO Filiberto Amati


Filiberto Amati


Biographical note

Growth Adviser, Innovation Catalyst, Branding Architect, International Expansion Consultant. He is also an iinternational change agent and leader, launched a growth consulting boutique in 2012. He specializes in four principal areas or intervention 1) Branding (e.g., positioning of new brands, re-positioning of existing brands, brand architecture and design); 2) Innovation (e.g., co-creation with consumers and experts, ideation, business planning, concept validation and fine-tuning); 3) International Expansion (e.g., countries screening and development of expansion plan, route to market strategy, portfolio) and 4) Route to Market (e.g. marketing and commercial planning, portfolio analysis).

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