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BIO Piotr Staszkiewicz


Piotr Staszkiewicz


Biographical note

Associate Professor at Warsaw School of Economics (WSE), Institute of Corporate Finance and Investments. Expert in auditing and financial markets. A public auditor registered at KIBR (Polish Audit Association). He started his professional career with EY in 1995, working both in Poland and abroad, and has since worked with AKF, NIK (Polish Supreme Chamber of Auditors) and KNF (Polish Financial Authority Supervision). Piotr earned his first professional license with ACCA (Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants UK) in 1998 and was granted a practicing certificate in 2001. In 2002 he passed the actuary exams and in 2008 passed the CISA examination (IT audit). He earned his PhD on macroeconomics from Wrocław Economic University in 2003. During the period 2003–2005 he served as a member to the Management Board of Low Silesia Chamber of Auditors. He was appointed on the recommendation of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to the Polish Ministry of Finance to be a member of the Polish Auditor Examination Commission for the period 2009–2012. Piotr served as the expert for the European Union’s TAIEX mission to Ukraine and Lebanon. He was appointed by the FSVC for a support mission to the Financial Markets Supervision Program, Cairo, Egypt (2010). He undertook a research visit to RMIT Melbourne, Australia in 2015.

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