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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Studia

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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BIO Radosław Kita


Radosław Kita


Biographical note

He has been working in the Data Science business since the beginning of 2000. Until 2012, he co-created the standard for measuring the Polish Internet. He led projects using machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence in Poland and the Netherlands. He worked for Onet, Alior Bank, TVN, Allegro, Veon, Showmax and Adform. Actively supports meet-up and hackathon environments (member of the I-COM Data Science Hackathons 2019 Board). A passionate of Argentine tango and zouk. In his free time, he dives, sails and trying to get a private pilot license.

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