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SWPS University - Main page


Marek Kornat



Professor Marek Konrat has been working at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) since 2000. In 2010, he was granted the title of professor. Between 2004 and 2009, Professor Kornat worked at the Department of International Relations and National Security of the Faculty of Political Studies at the School of Business - National Louis University (WSB-NLU) in Nowy Sącz. In 2008, he became Head of the Department of History of International Relations of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. He is a member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of History at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), a member of the Board of the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin, and a member of the Board of Intsytut Józefa Piłsudskiego in Warsaw. His is also a member of the Committee for the Publication of Polish Diplomatic Documents by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), and Poland’s representative on the Scientific Board of the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity. He has been elected to the Central European Committee of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is also a co-chair of the joint Polish-Romanian Committee of Historians.