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Professor Chudzicka-Czupała specializes mainly in work and organizational psychology. She is also a clinical psychologist.

She has authored many publications, including books on morality, such as Etyczne zachowanie się człowieka w organizacji (Ethical behavior in organizations) and Człowiek wobec wartości etycznych (People in the face of ethical values), and numerous articles published in books and professional journals, such as The Scientific Reports, PLOS One, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Death Studies, Ethics and Behavior, International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Czasopismo Psychologiczne, Medycyna Pracy, and Psychologia Społeczna.

Her research focuses on topics concerning health psychology. She is interested in psychological impact of trauma, determinants of mental health and stress experienced in difficult situations, such as pandemics or wars. While conducting her research projects, she collaborates with psychologist and psychiatrists from around the world, for example from Singapore, Taiwan, Canada, and Ukraine. Her recent publications are the result of international research on the determinants of mental health in people who experienced the war in Ukraine and the pandemic.

Professor Chudzicka-Czupała is also interested in morality, effective ways of coping with stress, psychological and social determinants of unethical behavior, which occurs in interpersonal relationships in different communities.

She is a recipient of Polish and international awards for her research, which she has been combining with practical application of her research results, for example in business consulting, for many years. She provides diagnoses, consulting and education for businesses on improving interpersonal relations, collaboration with clients, and harassment prevention.

She is currently leading a research project “Strengthening people’s commitment to volunteering for refugees from Ukraine. Motivations of volunteers and intentions behind volunteering – the role of psychological and social factors” (grant provided by the Foundation for Polish Science).

Professor Chudzicka-Czupała is also the Head of a postgraduate study program “Social and Organizational Behavior Psychology” offered by SWPS University. She teaches introduction to psychology, history of psychology, and communication processes, inter-cultural communication, social psychology, organizational psychology, and classes on conditions of unethical behavior. She is also a Master’s thesis advisor and teaches extracurriculars.

Thematic areas:

  • Interpersonal relations in organizations
  • Ethical behavior in organizations
  • Trust
  • Harassment
  • Morality
  • Mental health
  • Stress
  • Coping
  • Volunteering

Related information on SWPS University website