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Sociologist specializing in research on migration, national identity and place.

She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Manchester Metropolitan University, in the United Kingdom, and since then she has been working as Assistant Professor at SWPS University. In 2012 she participated in Pioneers into Practice Programme organised by Climate KIC.

She is a member of the Polish Sociological Association, the IMISCOE Research Network, and the Mobility Research Group at SWPS University.

Recipient of grants from the National Science Centre (NCN) for the following research projects: "Integration of Polish return migrants in the context of research on Aliyah" and "Between Transnational Mobility and Locality. Highly skilled immigrants in local communities of Walbrzych Special Economic Zone".

Author of articles in high impact factor journals, such as Identities, Ethnicities, Sociologický časopis [Czech Sociological Review], and International Migration as well as books, including: Changing Identities of Polishness: Post-War and Post-Accession Polish Migrants in Manchester (Peter Lang 2012); and Tożsamość narodowa jako tożsamość terytorialna w kontekście migracji [National Identity as a Territorial Identity in the Context of Migration] (Scholar, 2019).

At SWPS University, she lectures on introduction to sociology, place, multicultural society, and qualitative research methods.


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