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SWPS University - Main page

BIO Agnieszka Kowalczewska


Agnieszka Kowalczewska

Ph.D. / Assistant Professor

Faculty of Humanities in Warsaw
Department of Cultural and Media Studies


Expert in communication management. She specializes in creative approach to communication in organizations, development of interpersonal and psycho-social skills as well as multisensory communication. In her work she employs Gestalt therapy, psychodrama, body movement and design thinking techniques. Her research interests focus on managerial psychology and synesthesia as a parallel sensory experience.

Author of numerous publications on interpersonal communication management in organizations as well as books, including: Wybrane zagadnienia miękkiego zarządzania organizacjami [Selected Aspects of Soft Management in Organizations] (2015), Komunikacja interpersonalna w szkołach wyższych [Interpersonal Communication in Higher Education] (2015), and Ezoteryka na sprzedaż [Esoterics for Sale] (2002).

Apart from her academic work, she also conducts training sessions, workshops and individual coaching on personal development, interpersonal skills, creative communication, psychology of creativity and design thinking.

At SWPS University, she teaches communication, creative thinking, rethoric of interpersonal communication, design thinking and visual communication.