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Research projects

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Badania i projekty

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Academic Staff

Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Nasi naukowcy


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SWPS University - Main page

International Partnerships


The Erasmus+ Program enables students, academics, and administrative staff to gain additional knowledge and experience, and develop their professional skills at universities around the world.

SWPS University is continuously expanding cooperation with current partners and concluding agreements with other significant universities. Students have an opportunity to spend some time studying at the best universities tailored to their interests.

Thanks to the Erasmus+ international cooperation, our lecturers can contribute their expertise and gain new knowledge by teaching classes at partner universities. SWPS University hosts foreign academics who teach at SWPS University, contributing to the diversification of the educational offer. Thanks to the funding from the Erasmus+ program, we can develop new courses and programs, in partnership with other universities.

Erasmus+ Charter

Erasmus Charter
for Higher Education

In 2021, the European Commission approved a new Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for SWPS University, which is valid until 2027.



One Program – Many Opportunities

The Erasmus+ program provides students and academics with numerous opportunities, such as:

  • student exchange with partnering universities
  • internships in companies abroad
  • faculty exchange
  • job-shadowing for administrative staff


Under the umbrella of the Erasmus program, SWPS University has signed over 200 agreements with European universities enabling student mobility and the mobility of academic teachers within individual areas of study. We cooperate closely with academic institutions in many European countries such as Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and many more.

Our partnerships extend beyond mobility agreements. For example, as a member of the ERASMUS Mundus consortium, we offer a joint graduate program “Global Minds: Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society”.

  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Portugal
  • Sweden
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • the Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • Ireland
  • the Netherlands
  • Turkey

Erasmus Mundus
Global Minds program

Global Minds is a 2-year joint Master’s Degree Program in Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society offered by the Erasmus Mundus consortium, which includes: SWPS University, University of Limerick in Ireland, ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute in Portugal, University of Oslo in Norway. The Consortium is financed by the European Commission.

Learn more about the program

Student exchange

The Erasmus+ program provides students with an opportunity to complete one or more study semesters at a university located in a different country. Student exchange is a great opportunity to practice language skills, broaden one’s mind, meet people from different cultures, and gain new experience.

Erasmus+ for Incoming Students

Erasmus+ for Outgoing Students
student mobility

International internships

Thanks to the Erasmus+ program students may complete professional internships aligned with their study programs, at selected institutions in Europe, such as: research institutes, companies, museums, hospitals, libraries and NGOs. During internships abroad, students gain knowledge, practical experience and language skills in an international environment, which improves their career prospects.

centra naukowo badawcze

Faculty exchange

Thanks to the Erasmus+ exchange program, members of our faculty also have an opportunity to work at higher education institutions outside of Poland. Working abroad allows lecturers to practice their teaching methodologies in new environments and to further develop their competencies. It also promotes exchange of ideas and best practices between colleagues from different backgrounds.

Additionally, teaching exchanges foster networking between European researchers and provide opportunities for working on international research projects.

Job shadowing

Thanks to the Erasmus+ program, our administrative staff can also attend international training courses, workshops and seminars, which are aligned with their field of expertise. Visiting partnering universities and other education intuitions in Europe, allows our employees to develop their skills and learn about administrative processes practiced by other higher education institutions. This type of collaboration fosters exchange of best practices and innovative solutions that might be worth implementing at one’s own university.

job shadowing

Let's work together!

We are open to cooperation. If you are located in one of the Erasmus+ Program countries and would like to discuss a cooperation idea that falls under the framework of the ERASMUS+ Student and Staff Mobility, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Learn more about our team