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SWPS University - Main page

Joanna Grygiel






Professor Joanna Grygiel is a mathematician and philosopher who specializes in the fundamentals of mathematics, logic, and universal algebra, in particular the Lattice Theory.

She was the Principal Investigator on a research project “Tolerance relations in lattices and their applications” funded by the National Science Centre (2011-2013). Currently, she is a researcher in a project “Słowniki biograficzne uczonych polskich” (Biographical dictionaries of Polish scientists), funded by Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (no. 0333/NPRH7/H11/86/2018).

From 2015-2017, she was Editor in Chief of an academic journal Scientific Issues of Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, Mathematics. In 2019, she became the Collecting Editor of the Bulletin of the Section of Logic.

Professor Grygiel authored 3 books, 36 academic articles, and edited 7 joint publications.

She organized 24 editions of an international conference “Applications of Algebra In Logic and Computer Science”, and participated in over 130 conferences, mainly international, often as an invited speaker or chair of various sessions.

At SWPS University she teaches classes in logic, Set Theory, linear algebra, and mathematics for students of the Computer Science and Psychology programs.

Her personal webpage: