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SWPS University - Main page

Katarzyna Pejda






Katarzyna Pejda, Ph.D. has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sinology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) since 2013, where she teaches and, for the past four years, has held the position of the sinology program coordinator.

In 2013, she was granted a doctoral degree from the Department of Sinology, Faculty of Oriental Studies, the University of Warsaw, where she earlier obtained her Master’s degree in 2001.

Her research interests include early Confucian texts, in particular their translation and interpretation with the focus on Confucian axiology. She authored the second Polish translation of The Analects by Confucius, and other early Confucian texts, such as Xiaojingu (The Classic of Filial Piety), Da Xue (The Great Learning), and soon to be published Zhong Yong (Doctrine of the Mean). She also published numerous articles on the early Confucian thought, for example: “Constructing a moral person in the Analects 論語 and Mengzi 孟子”, “Concepts of xin 信 and cheng 誠 in early Confucian texts”.

Dr. Pejda is the Secretary of Sinologia Roczniki Humanistyczne, an academic publication (with the score of 100 points) included on the list of high impact scientific journals of the Polish Ministry of Science and Education.