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SWPS University - Main page

BIO czarny


Krzysztof Jaskułowski


Institute of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences in Warsaw
Department of Social Studies


Sociologist and historian.

His research interests include the theory of nation and nationalism, collective memory, contemporary migrations, as well as mythical and symbolic aspects of politics.

He researches practices used in developing public solutions and the effects of programs co-funded by the European Union. In his research and teaching, he applies games, experiments and behavioral design.

Recipient of numerous grants and awards from various organizations, including: The Foundation for Polish Science, the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, and the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress of the United States in Washington. He was Principal Investigator on the “Transnational Mobility and Locality. Highly skilled immigrants in local communities of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone” research project, funded by a grant from the National Science Centre.

Author of books, incluidng Nacjonalizm bez narodów. Nacjonalizm w koncepcjach anglosaskich nauk społecznych [Nationless nationalism. Nationalism in the Anglo-Saxon Social Sciences] (2010), Wspólnota symboliczna. W stronę antropologii nacjonalizmu [A Symbolic Community. Towards Anthropology of Nationalism] (2012). He publishes in numerous scientific journals including: Ethnic and Racial Studies, Identities, Critical Studies in Education, International Migration, and Memory Studies.

At SWPS University, he teaches sociology and cultural studies.