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BIO Lech Gardocki






Professor Lech Gardocki is a prominent Polish lawyer, an acclaimed expert in criminal law. He was a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland from 1996 to 2011, the First President of the Supreme Court, and the President of the Tribunal of State of the Republic of Poland from 1998 to 2010.

He authored over 150 publications on criminal law, including books, articles, chapters in joint publications, and commentaries to rulings of the Supreme Court. Some of the most notable publications include: Zarys prawa karnego międzynarodowego (An Overview of International Criminal Law) (1985), Zagadnienia teorii kryminalizacji (Problems of Criminalization Theory) (1990), Zagadnienia internacjonalizacji odpowiedzialności karnej za przestępstwa popełnione za granicą (Problems of Internationalization of Criminal Responsibility for Offences Committed Abroad) (1997), Naprawdę jesteśmy trzecią władzą (We are Truly the Third Estate) (2008), and a handbook Prawo karne (Criminal Law) with 22 editions, the latest published in 2021.

Professor Gardocki was awarded a Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and a National Order of the Legion of Honor. In 2014, he received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Research.

At SWPS University he teaches classes in criminal law.

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