Cities as Arenas of Political Innovationin the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy

principal investigator / project leader
political scientist, philosopher, psychologist
Full bio project value: PLN 13,081,276 (EUR 2,915,372)
SWPS University’s budget: PLN 965,826 (EUR 215,250)
funding source: European Commission
discipline: political and administrative sciences, social sciences
research center: SWPS University
location: Warsaw
duration: 2021 2022 2023 2024
The EU-funded international project EUARENAS investigates the impact of local reform initiatives that are pushing for greater accountability and inclusiveness. Through comparative case studies and governance innovation pilots EUARENAS will generate contextually sensitive insights and good practices for more inclusive forms of governance and citizen participation. It will also develop a toolbox for participatory and deliberative governance.
EUARENAS Grant agreement ID: 959420
Project objectives
Gaps between political decision-making processes and citizens has become increasingly visible in Europe, particularly since the EU’s post-Millennial economic, political and security crises. In addition, general distrust of politics has been exacerbated by populist and neo-nationalist political forces that interpret the pluralistic and agnostic nature of democracy as a weakness. These and similar tendencies could have grave consequences through a further erosion of multicultural conviviality and social cohesion in Europe. Nevertheless, populism and political disaffection on a more general level are being met by counter currents of local political activism and an increasing consciousness of the political role of social movements in cities and urban areas. Cities have emerged as vital political arenas for the development of the European public sphere and the promotion of inclusion, social agendas and active citizenship. In addition, different forms of citizen participation have started to transform governance cultures of several large European cities, taking active roles in local elections, and becoming part of local political structures, from Paris to Istanbul. Based on several case studies and pilots of governance innovation initiatives we will investigate the ways in which social movements coupled with local government reform initiatives create momentum for political change that include more inclusive and participatory forms of governance. In EUARENAS we will target the following: 1) the ways in which these practices emerge, the main actors, the strategies, methods and digital platforms they develop to attract attention and how they appropriate urban spaces, 2) economic, political and cultural factors influencing local outcomes, 3) horizontal and vertical governance implications of governance innovations and 4) the added value of solutions (housing, social care, social justice, social diversity, climate change) provided by participatory/deliberative means.
We will use various social sciences research methods, including political discourse analysis, case studies, social experiments, and foresighting.
The participation in the project is a very important experience for me. Because it combines a few of my interests, such as theory of democracy, analysis of social movements, and social and cultural contexts of political decision making. At the same time, I know that the results of the study will be quite significant in terms of practical implementation. We know that liberal democracy has been dealing with numerous problems and requires some improvements. The goal of the project is to investigate the possibilities and boundaries of such corrections to the classical model of this system.
Koczanowicz, Leszek
Principal Investigator
First and last name
Leszek Koczanowicz
Academic degree or title
Role in the Faculty
{"funkcja-na-wydziale0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Faculty of Humanities in Warsaw"}}
Role in the Department
{"funkcja-w-katedrze0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Department of Cultural Studies"}}
Role in the Institute
{"funkcja-w-instytucie0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Social Sciences"},"funkcja-w-instytucie1":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Humanities"}}
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Role in the Research Center
Professor Leszek Koczanowiczpolitical scientist, philosopher, psychologist
Practical application of results
Research carried out in several countries will allow the researchers to identify and systematically describe:
- how social movement practices develop, their main actors, strategies, methods and digital platforms they create to bring attention to various issues, and the ways the movements adjust to municipal spaces
- economic, political, and cultural factors that impact local communities
- horizontal and vertical effects of innovation concerning the management of municipalities
- value added provided by the solutions to various social problems, such as housing, social welfare, social justice, social diversity, and climate change, provided by the participatory/deliberative means.
Research Team
Fereński, Piotr
First and last name
Piotr Fereński
Academic degree or title
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Role in the Department
Role in the Research Center
Ph.D. Piotr Fereński
Ufel, Wojciech
First and last name
Wojciech Ufel
Academic degree or title
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Role in the Department
Role in the Research Center
Ph.D. Wojciech Ufel
Members of the consortium
- Ita-Suomen Yliopisto (University Of Eastern Finland), Finland, Project Coordinator
- University of Gdańsk, Poland
- SWPS University, Poland
- Luiss Libera Universita Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, Italy
- Eutropian GmbH, Austria
- People S Voice Media LBG, Great Britain
- Comparative Research Network e.V., Germany
- Comune Di Reggio Emilia, Italy
- The City of Gdańsk, Poland
- Sihtasutus Vorumaa Arenduskeskus (Development Centre Of Võru County), Estonia